getting busy in the back of the car

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" Sam wake up!" i heard a voice yell but i just buried my face further into my pillow

" Sammie wake up! " i heard the same voice yell again and someone was shaking me. 

i grunted and just turned around.

" Sam if you don't wake up right now I'm going to wake you up my own way" the voice said again. I just ignored it and buried my head further into my pillow

Wrong decision.

just as I was beginning to fall asleep again, I felt something cold soak my clothes. I gasped and bolted up to find Lauren standing next to my bed with two empty water bottles in her hands and a mischievous smirk on her face.

i started getting up slowly

" Shit" She said then ran out of the door and onto the stairs, I heard her yell " you can't say i didn't warn you" probably from downstairs

i got out of bed and raced after her, I went down the stairs to find her crouching behind the couch peeking from behind it. Once she saw i spotted her she got up and started heading to the kitchen

" don't think I'm not going to get you back for this" i yelled playfully trying to catch up to her

" i warned you!you didn't listen, not my fault" she yelled back getting into the kitchen and standing behind Sarah for protection

" Wow, Lauren, whats wrong?" Sarah asked chuckling a little from Lauren's childish actions

" Sam is chasing me, I'm being chased" Lauren said dramatically peeking at me over Sarah 's shoulder

" She threw freezing cold water on me while I was sleeping" I said pointing at her then at my wet clothes and hair

" i told her to wake up she wouldn't listen" Lauren said defensively before Sarah could reply

" doesn't mean you get to splash me with water colder than Antarctica !" i replied throwing my hand in the air in exasperation.

" Calm down kids, Sam get changed and come have breakfast" Sarah said returning to her cooking

i just nodded and started heading upstairs. Once I was in my room i got some dry clothes from my dresser and was about to take my top off when i heard a knock on the door. i looked towards the door to find Lauren leaning on the door frame with a smile on her face

" I'm sorry" she said with that cute smile of hers

i couldn't help but smile myself when I saw her standing there.

The past two weeks I've been living here hadn't been that bad. I spent the first week trying to get used to living away from my home and the people I though were my family, but things are easier now. Sarah and Dave are amazing people. they do their best to make me feel welcome and normal. Sofie, though was acting a little weird.

okay maybe she was acting really weird.

she looked distracted all the time and this one day she came home, didn't say a word to any of us, walked upstairs and got into bed. It was obvious that she had been crying, but none of us knew why. even Lauren.

Lauren basically lives here. she only spent the night at her house like 3 times since I've been here. I haven't really talked to her about my feelings, whenever I was sad or stressed she'd hold my hand or hug me to comfort me. but we haven't made anything official yet. We haven't even gone on a second date. I want to ask her out again but honestly I have no idea how to approach the subject

" you better keep your eyes open because I'm going to get you back" i said pointing at her playfully while keeping the smile on my face

" oh are you now?" she asked smirking and stepped into the room

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