"You can kiss me whenever the hell you want"

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Sam's POV

i haven't really had any alone time with Lauren since that day I asked her on a date.  and I really want to know if she's still up for it but I don't really know how to approach the subject, like what if she changed her mind or something? I don't think I can deal with rejection.

anyway, school has been boring. my head was getting a lot better but there really isn't much to do around here.

I was on my way to school riding with Max. i was just sitting there silently while he was singing loudly, and way off key might I add, to some song that was on the radio. 

After 3 long agonizing minutes of me sitting there listening to Max ruin once a perfectly awesome song, we arrived at school, we got out, said our goodbyes and headed to our separate classes.

as I was on my way to my first class i noticed Lauren by her locker struggling with carrying about 6 books in her hand and balancing her bag on her shoulder while holding another bag in her hand, probably for volleyball practice or something. i approached her to help her carry the shit load of stuff she was carrying and hopefully ask her if she wants to go on that date

" you need help with that?" i asked once I was right next to her, she turned to me then smiled instantly when she saw me

" no I am perfectly fine holding two heavy ass bags while balancing books in my hand, thank you" she said sarcastically then handed me the books in her hand

" thanks for that, I was probably going to trip and send all these flying to the ground" she said smiling gratefully while we were on our way to her class

" no problem, hey what are you doing after school today?" i asked, mentally crossing my fingers, praying that I wasn't about to make a fool out of myself

"i have volleyball practice and then nothing, why?" she said glancing sideways at me

" well, uhh,  I just-"

" hey how about that date you asked me on, is that ever going to happen or..?" she said thankfully cutting me off.

" yeah! I mean if you want to" i said trying and failing to not sound too excited.

but failing miserably. i dont know what it is about this girl, she just makes me feel different. I like the way she's goofy but in a cute way, that she's not afraid to be herself, or admit that she obsesses over weird things. she doesn't sugarcoat shit, she's just so real. and let's just admit I've always had a thing for cute goofy girls

" yeah I want to" she said smiling softly. and trust me my friend.  It took all the willpower i had in me to not just pin her to the wall right there and then because of how hot she looked

" great! so, I'll pick you up today at 7?" i asked her not even trying to hide the hope in my voice.

" yeah, that's awesome, thank you for walking me to class. and saving me from probably falling on my butt by carrying the book" she said in a cute voice and stepped forward a little and kissed my cheek. then in an instant her books were out of my hands and she disappeared into her class. I just stood there baffled. and sighing like a love sick school girl.

A kiss on the cheek meant absolutely nothing to me before. like never have i ever in my life gotten butterflies in my stomach from such a simple gesture. 

what is it about this girl?!

once I regained my composure i started heading to my own class. I was probably very late. but to be honest, it was so worth it.

The day went by in a blur. All I could think about was what to do for our date tonight. I want it to be perfect. I mean i am known for my extraordinary dates but for the first time after Avery Im actually feeling nervous about taking a girl out. then when I was on my way home i finally got it. I finally knew what I was going to do for our date tonight

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