"Will you go on a date with me?"

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Sam's POV

i woke up feeling like my head had been the fucking punching bag of Thor and the great hulk. i couldn't really see clearly but I could make out Max, Sofie, and Lauren's voices. then another voice spoke. it sounded like a mother but it wasn't mine.

Once I was almost aware of my surroundings I realized that I was on the couch in The Adam's living room, topless.

3 people were ogling my stomach.:

Sofie with a confused expression

Sofie's mom with a super shocked expression, like she was doing the whole eye wide jaws hitting the floor thing

And Lauren with a face that says: Fuck me right in the vagina.

Max came to my side and kissed my forehead softly. " Thank god you're okay" he said sighing in relief. I just nodded because I was too drained out to speak. A minute later I felt myself getting sleepy. and before I knew it i was dreaming of rainbows and bunnies

Sofie's POV

Jenna and Taylor left a while after Sam fell asleep. mom said to just let her sleep it off and not disturb her so Max said that he was leaving too and that we should call him when she wakes up so that he could pick her up. so it was just me, mom and Lauren. since she practically lives here.

" she has a birthmark on her stomach, just like mine." i blurted out suddenly pulling my mom from her deep thoughts

" I've noticed" my mom said shortly. still distracted.

" i dont know man, the only thing I could notice were her abs, seriously these things look like they were sculpted by the blade of jesus" Lauren said sighing dreamily. i just looked weirdly at her.

i then looked at my mom to find her still deep in thought. probably not hearing a word we're saying

" mom? are you okay?" i asked her. her head snapped to me then she pulled on an obvious fake smile

" yeah honey, I'm okay. I've just got to make a few phone calls" my mom said getting up. well that was weird

" is she okay?" Lauren asked me probably noticing that my mom was acting weird too

" i dont know she seems like she's thinking hard about something" i said trying to figure out what could be bothering my mother.

" yeah, she's probably just missing Dave" Lauren said.

Dave is my father. He was on a business trip. my mom always gets a little sad when he goes on long business trips. but something just seems weird this time.

oh and in case you're wondering why Lauren is on first name bases with my dad, she's like another daughter to him, they even hang out more than I hang out with him, they watch sports and stuff. they're really close. probably because my dad is a pretty awesome person.

" There's something weird going on" i told lauren

" what do you mean?" she asked me scrunching her face in confusion

"Sam. she has a birthmark on her side. exactly like mine. It's shape, color, size it looks the exact same" i said trying to make sense out of all of this

" A lot of people have stork bites Sofie. The placement is probably just a coincidence" Lauren said simply.

" Yeah but my mom has been acting weird ever since she saw it" i said

" i dont know man. I'm just glad Sam is okay. she seriously could have died today" Lauren said sighing in relief. I need to question her about her feelings for Sam. but I just can't get the fact that something weird is going on out of my head.

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