zombie apocalypse cliché

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someone just voted on my old and cringey haikyuu book, and it coincidentally was this kind of chapter. so hi.

SERVAMP ft. zombie apocalypse (no vampires)


- survives to the end of the movie because he's the main character. reason why everyone fought as he inspired them. has some "answer" or antidote for the zombie virus thing he somehow found hidden in the most unusual place.

- you were correct in assuming he would probably, indeed, be the only survivor. which is honestly fucking sad. witnessed or lived through the deaths of all his friends and he will forever remember them.

- standing on top of a building as the sun rises, the sound of walkie-talkies and choppers in the background.


- that one character who literally doesn't care about anything and just happens to be in the gang because mahiru rescued him.

- "i didn't ask to be saved, so i'm not obligated to cooperate."

- very, very nearly close to surviving. he was with mahiru to the final "battle", and just when he got his want for survival back, tragedy ensues. pushes mahiru away from the chaos as he grows to learn the importance of camaraderie and wishes he lived longer to really see the light of a peaceful day he'd been told to look forward to.


- that one "brains" character in the group who plans and stuff, inducing fights with others because they say he's merciless and has god complex (i'm sure y'all know what i mean in this regard). was the one who told mahiru he had the antidote and made it their mission to get it to the military base.

- sick person whose house was used as a base after a nasty zombie extermination.

- when the base gets invaded, he does an act of self-sacrifice: lures zombies inside (ridden with bombs or flammable substance in advance). detonates bombs or sets fire to everything, because he knew he wouldn't last running away.


- that one person who stood by misono when everyone was starting to think he was just being selfish, like the usual guys behind tech and plans.

- also was the one who gathered all the survivors he found, and enforced trust among each other in their base. basically the peacemaker. eases psychological burden.

- that character who fought like a badass when he was cornered, acting as bait when their escape in the sewers got messy. this is after promising the others he would meet them outside, but ofc, they all knew that would be impossible.


- handy man of the group who nailed floorboards to the main door, the windows, etc in the base. surprisingly knew how to hijack a vehicle they'd used after misono's mansion went up in smoke/splinters

- guy in charge of lookouts and defense. you never know what he's thinking.

- that one character you mourned, thinking he died after he held up a gate or something for the others. ends up a "traitor" in a revelation arc or sth.


- the person whom no one really is fond of entertaining since he rambles about the possibilities of the virus and complains about how dumb the military is.

- "tetsu and i found each other in an open garage and since then we've been killing zombies together!"

- knows more than anyone else. almost got them killed when he approached a horde of zombies claiming he had the truth. gets saved, but looks back and walks to the horde anyways. dies there.

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