Chapter 26: Landing on the Sand

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I'd been standing at the door so long, James was bound to think I was late. I couldn't keep my mind off of his words. Off of him. He was just across these walls too, but I was truly afraid. He was so sincere and I was just confused and hurt. I didn't want to bring him into my pain but I knew it was too late. That moment at the park was the last moment that pain would be hidden. We were stuck. Now I was dragging him in more. 

Realizing his words were truth and I'd just bitterly spat in the face of his honesty. Gone behind his back and still he'd saved me from whatever was my destiny without him. Yet now I was going back to him with more trouble. How'd he react, I didn't know. I just knew I needed him and that he'd be the only one I could trust with this.  Maybe more, but I pushed that kind of thinking away. 

I'd open up to him so much, and I couldn't really get why. Whatever. I just need to get this over with. See him again to help me understand. Help me decide. 

He wouldn't lie. 

I clicked the door open to his office. James was sitting, his face in his hands staring directly in my direction. Not moving for a second except his eyes. Looking me up and down then staying at my face. I looked down slightly, feeling a bit guilty. 

My hands held together in front me. Unlike me. 

I whispered, "Hey James." 

He stood up and walked briskly toward me. His hands slid in his pockets as he did so. I looked up at him but kept myself in the same stance. 

His words came out calm as he stared at me with a warm intensity, "You're here to ask about last night aren't you?" I nodded. Stepping toward him. He tilted his head down toward me. 

"Go ahead." 

I gave him a small appreciative smile. Warmth filled my chest. The guilt mixed with it and hurt, and it all felt even worse. I wish could throw all these confusing feelings away. Desperate to have never questioned or knew what I knew at all. 

Damnit Jae-Hwa.

I asked, "What would you do if someone you knew and cared for broke your trust completely?"

I took a sharp inhale of breath. Afraid of how James would respond or what he would think of me for asking about "someone". Obviously we both knew who that "someone" was. I don't know why I felt so terrible bringing up Jae-Hwa in front of James. Almost as if I was committing some sort of betrayal. My chest stung with each word as I had asked the stupid question. Though I felt as if I would shatter if I didn't get some sort of direction. 

It'd happen to me before, but I knew early on I was being betrayed by my parents. I knew I could never trust them. Yet Jae-Hwa... he was always supposed to be there, be that person. My person. Now I don't think he ever was. I have no idea how to feel of him now. How to take this. Being who James is. I'm shamelessly sure this kind of situation must have happen to him in the past. He would have the wisdom I didn't, but I also knew he didn't like Jae-Hwa. Maybe he'd just suggest I kil-

James suddenly answered, interrupting my thoughts.

Words still calm, "An," he stepped so close we were now centimeters from each other, "I'd hear them out," he pulled one hand out of his pocket and touched my face to wipe away a tear I didn't know was falling, "we all deserve a second chance."

I sighed. My eyes widening. Then stepped back. His hand dropped back in his pocket. He didn't step forward any more. More tears fell and once again I was crying mess just like the night before. 

"Thank you." I whispered out.

He gave me a small smile. Though his eyes betrayed him. Glazed over a little bit. I felt terrible again. I still couldn't fully comprehend on the why. Out of no where I felt more and more like I'd rather be closer to him. Safer with him. This dangerous CEO. 

I laughed at the thought. 

Was he so bad? The slightly unpolished hair, his perfect suit hiding his scars and muscled frame. Tattoos probably there too. His triad always had them. 

After a second of staring at him a bit too long and his still gentle smile I wiped away the tears streaming down on my own. 

I joked out loud, "All that mercy... So you're not going to be killing people anymore then James?" 

He didn't laugh, but that smile turned into a smirk. He moved his other hand out of his pocket and I instantly noticed he was holding something. An unsealed envelope. Eyes still glazed over, he stuck his hand out with the envelope, jostling it slightly to garner my attention further. I moved my hand outward too and the distance between us was no longer for just a moment as I grabbed the envelope. Slow to pull my hand back, as was he. 

"I guess not." James sighed. Then he returned back to work. I too, went to my spot and began to work as well, putting the envelope in my purse. Pretending this whole conversation never happened. 

I'd open it later at home. For now I'll just relax with James by my side. He really wasn't so bad. It was different wasn't it? Glancing back at him. His eyes back to their usual hardened state. 

He really was, and so was I. Maybe we're both not as bad as we thought. Just a little different. James was right. 

We all deserve a second chance. 

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