Chapter 21: The dog echoes for battle

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His shirt is a bit too tight for his more stocky frame and even more off-putting with the odd image of a puppy sleeping being its design.  He steps over the two men on the ground and nods toward me. 

"You're about as ladylike as a pig about to die. tch."

I roll my eyes. 

"At least I don't look like one."

He blinked a couple of times as his eyes widened and his hands fell into his pockets. Then he whistled.

"At least I'm a charming pig." He winked as he said it.  The dimple on his cheek becoming a bit more visible. 

My face heats up. 

"I shouldn't have said that. "

He smiles, "I shouldn't have either."

We go silent for a moment. He shifts his weight left to right. I finally shoot him a smile back. He nods once more. His eyes look as happy as shining stars. I hold in a chortle. He has such an unusual expression for a well established gangster. One I didn't expect. Friendly? Comforting.

What was his name again? Ju-won? His hair is darker and a bit more well combed than the other body guard so he must be Ju-won. Besides that day I haven't been this physically close to him very much. James rarely brings either of them around when at the office, keeping them more around the building or doing other outside tasks. They're twins I think but I'm pretty sure Ju-won is the one James is closer too, as I've seen him call Ju-won just to check up on him. 

Suddenly he begins to speak again.

"I'm Ju-wo-"

"I know" I interject. My face still warm but my voice cold and to the point. I don't want to reveal why I'm here, but I'm curious as to why he is here. James better not have sent him.

"Ju-won did James send you he-"

"I live here..." He says.

It's then I realize he's got some bags of groceries behind him and his feet are adorned in older sandals like one uses for a quick trip walking.

I can barely utter out my surprise.


This area is so gloomy and he makes a lot more money than to need to live here.  I stare at him intense as I can, trying to read him. His eyes still twinkle slight but not a hint of deceit gives way on his face. Maybe something is keeping Ju-won here? 

Ju-won blurts out, "You don't."

I nod, "Nope."

He stops swaying around. Instead folding his arms defensively.

Another 'tch releases from his lips as he questions, "What are you doing here then? You know this is 359 territory."

I still stare at him. Hiding all emotion I answer. 

"That's the point."

You could hear a pin drop.

Ju-won's eyes widen once more. His hand rubbing against the back of his head now as his other hand goes to grab the groceries from the floor. 

With a hushed voice he comments, "I'm guessing it's better James doesn't know... yet."

I try to hold my further shock at his response. Turning my voice more casual.

"Indeed," I sigh, "I appreciate your forethought. I just don't want to stress him out." 

I can't believe I admitted that. Ju-won hands me a grocery bag to hold. I take it. The sun is barely turning down to reveal the start of the night. We begin walking I assume to his place. 

Ju-won speaks, "I think he'd be less stressed out if you had a little help."

"Is that an offer?" I joke.

"As long as you don't knee me again." He answers seriously.

I look at him, he's looking up at the sky changing in various colors of orange. The hues of dusk. It can't hurt can it?  Plus maybe he'll keep James a little in the loop, just enough to not worry, and maybe enough to take away my guilt from hiding this. 

I tuck the necklace in my shirt with my free hand. 


Dangerous CEO; Falling for the Mafia BossWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu