Chapter 11- Pool Time

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The sun didn't really decide to beat down much today. Instead I was welcomed with more clouds than I could count and a cool breeze blowing just enough to make the "deer in headlight" look present itself on my chest. Good thing I picked out the ruffled suit. Can't even tell. 

Yes and I can eat more. So much more. Right now though I was swimming first. The ruffles didn't drag me too much; I used to do near Olympic level in secondary anyways. As I submerged deeper into the cold water, I could feel the goosebumps tickling my flesh, go numb. Suffocating to the stasis of having no wind at all. Just me and the uncaring water. Part of why I love it. Wasn't the same as it used to be, I'm calmer now, but it still brought me a dark peace. I spun underneath, playing with the pressure, going against it and with it at the same time. Deep water swimming always calmed me. While swimming above I used to pent out my anger and fear. 

I waited until my body felt like it would float up or sink down, just giving into the water. Then I swam back up to the surface. Slow with dramatic movements. Once my face pushed out to the now freezing air I sucked in as large a breath as I could before re-dunking to fix my hair. Jae-Hwa was just floating on top in the shape of a cross. Staring up at the grey sky. I couldn't tell if he'd gotten fully wet yet or not so I swam over to him and gently starting basking water onto any spots that looked cold and dry. Even with the water being as chill as it was it was still warmer than the breeze. 

Jae-Hwa made a small smile before gazing over at me. I was about to wave in recognition until I heard the loud clack of plates against a table. Quick I swam back to the edge to get out of the pool; I ditched Jae-Hwa and my bliss, to go to my one true love. 

And it smelled delicious.

Perfect starchy sweet rice, egg buns, radish slices, cooked meats of all types(A class beef!!!!), and lobster sautéed in butter. All the things I dream of on one table. 

I don't even bother to get a plate. I just grab the first utensil in range and start taking anything within reach to consume with unprecedented speed. My mind clears completely as my taste buds take over. A lot of this and a lot of that, putting them in overdrive. I'm particularly fond of sweet savory flavors along with any type of smooth taste, so this selection goes perfect with my preferences. The radish slices help to cut some of the richness with the perfect level of acidity, but still also have a sweetness to them that I really enjoy. 

In my rush to eat everything I hadn't even realized I forgot to put on a towel. My hands were shivering. Jae-Hwa must have noticed as he came to my side and decided to hold me in a small warm hug. I stopped my food binge as he did so. There wasn't really much left anyways. I guess maybe I ate a little too fast. Oh well. 

Jae-Hwa didn't seem to mind, but he wasn't a big eater anyways. I almost never saw him eat, even though he always had food available for me whenever we were together. I looked over at him, he had a large grin plastered on his face. With the grin he kept nodding to our right, where the towels would be. I noticed that even though he was warming me, he was now shivering like I had been. So we shuffled together in sync toward our towels. The sound of our shuffling, and just the overall awkwardness of moving together was kind of funny. We were giggling like idiots by the time we reached our destination. Though admittedly I sounded a bit stupider in tone than Jae-Hwa. To my annoyance he actually sounded kind of cool. 

I pushed him slightly so he would let go. He released me, dashing his hands to a towel which he then draped over me. I took it and held it tight around me. Next he grabbed his own towel and we both laid down on the concrete floor. There was actually a chair, in fact on that chair had been where the towels were, but we ignored it. The concrete was cold though, but my towel was big and warm enough that I didn't care, and I assume Jae-Hwa didn't either. 

Normally at times like this is when we start talking. 

"An, we should go to an amusement park sometime." So it has started. 

I responded with sigh, "Sure." I closed my eyes. The sun hiding didn't take away from the sting to my eyes at looking so boldly into the sky. Not used to even this much brightness. I've been in offices for too long. A trip at an amusement park would be good. 

"Have you heard of the Timmi Park, An?"

"Yeah." That's the one on Chi Goon territory. Park's turf...

"We should go to that one." That'd be dangerous for Jae-Hwa. Maybe Park could come to add a little security? I bet I could get Park to do it. 

"Jae-Hwa, could I bring my boss?"


"It'd get me some chit points." I Intercepted him with a believable excuse. I didn't think he'd question it though. Jae-Hwa is kind of carefree in general, but that was definitely the start of a question. 

"Of course then, An. You may bring him." That's strange.

I questioned, "How'd you know he was a he?"

Jae-Hwa responded, "I doubt you'd let a female boss near me." I could feel my face warm up at his words. Embarrassed I hadn't considered it. That makes sense. He is kind of a hound dog in that way. It'd definitely be awkward if he had sex with my boss. But why'd he have to make this conversation awkward now.

I joked, "Yeah a girl boss would cost you too much. Hehe." Terrible joke.

"Since I'm paying?" He actually went along with it... Wow.

"If, my boss was a girl. I'm pretty sure my boss wouldn't let you pay for him though. He's not the type." It'd look bad for him to buy stuff for a triad boss anyways. Though I don't think people know Park is a triad boss. Wait I just realized they would be together for us to hang. Damnit. I'll have to warn Park not to try to negatively influence Jae-Hwa during this whole thing. But honestly I have a sneaking suspicion that won't be a problem. A feeling in my gut you could say.

Or it could be a tummy ache. 

"We'll go this weekend, An." My thoughts snapped back to the moment. 

"Okay!" My voice came out way too excited. I hope he didn't notice. 

A small chuckle from Jae-Hwa echoed into my ears. 

Yep he totally noticed. It's cool though. Now I just got to convince Park to join us.


A/N: Yes I picked a rock song this time. lol :) Sorry about the delay. :0

Dangerous CEO; Falling for the Mafia Bossजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें