Chapter 17: The Mirror at Home

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I awake alone under the covers of a warm but firm hospital bed. My head hurts slightly and as I lifted my hand to touch it I instead come in contact with taped over gauze. To my side I hear a nervous intake of breath along with the clang of a clipboard hitting against something. My eyes quickly dash over to a nervous doctor standing before me. Her slightly shaky frame further accentuated by the blaring white of the drapes behind her inside this surprisingly nice hospital room. A look of confusion sprawls across my face. Before the doctor can even get in a peep, I begin questioning her with my most immediate thoughts. 

"Who paid for this? This room, isn't in my budget." The doctor's eyes shifted left to right. Her unusual almost bleached skin and blonde hair vibrating slightly as she shook her head aggressively immediately after. Possibly to bring herself in the moment.  She humms loudly for a second and then answers.

"Our boss." My brows furrowed. So this was Jame's doing. He kills people with ease, yet I get a tiny scratch and he's made such an annoying deal of it. He made those guys from before walk, why didn't he let me? I hated doctors. My eyes fell back on the white-coated female. She was even more nervous than a few seconds ago. Stuttering silently to herself. Was my dislike of her very existence that obvious I wondered. Or maybe she was just new to all of this or uncomfortable due to James' probably being the one who dropped me off here. I was feeling angsty like a spoiled child. Irritated with myself and irritated being in this sterile smelling room.

Couldn't he have just took me home and left me there to wake up on my own? What a waste of resources, and the food probably sucks here. 

The doctor almost looked like she was going to cry. I tried to force a smile in hopes it would help her feel a little better. Even though I was very tempted, it would be wrong of me to take out my feelings on her. After being knocked out for who knows how long, I finally accepted that that is what I did to Park. 

Now I just wanted to be alone in my thoughts to dwell on that, think over what he said. Yet until this lady leaves or I get to leave, I won't be able to do that. 

Suddenly the doctor speaks, a little bolder this time.

"Have you gotten much sleep lately?"

I smile more openly, a reassuring chuckle emanating from my throat. 

"Never." I joked. Though my answer was coated in difficult truth.

Her face softened at my tone. An overly enthusiastic nod following.

Good, now I can go back to judging her for her career choice and the crappy food. At least in my head. It doesn't feel so sincere now. Except the food part. Always the food. 

Finally my eyes leave her face to look at her name tag. 

'Dr. Goman'

No way. 

I exclaim, "You're read that comic too? Or is that really your last name..." 

Her overly enthusiastic nod turns into a smile before she answers.

"You're the first to catch that. Yes, my real name I can't say but this is the name I use here and that I got my PhD under." 

As if we were friends, right after, she waves at me. I wave back. 

I guess she really isn't that bad. I thought I was the only one left that read the strange older webcomic drawn without lines, just watercolor. It had almost no plot, other than a character named Kira opening random doors and looking out into different worlds, stating, "wrong door", then closing the door-just to make the same error again in the next episode of the strip. "Goman" was the word painted into the clouds in a slightly off grey that showed more distinct if the comic was read in pure darkness. 

It was just very atypical to know the reference or even make it. I guess that might be why she chose it for her fake name. Good choice. 

Would it be okay then? To ask? The worst that could happen would be she would reject my request. Then I'd just be stuck with the memories of Jame's words repeating themselves over and over in my head until I did think it through. Which was very uncomfortable for me. I like to be able to just think things out so as to force my head to clear and let me not think much about it again.

Memories sting too much. 

Instinctively my hand moves to grasping at my chest. The I.V. tugging at it tickles a little, but doesn't bring any pain. My eyes dropped down to my hand to look at the unnatural device sticking out from it, bringing liquid to my body. I tried to move my leg, but realized there was a catheter there. Taped in place. 

What the hell. 

As if reading my mind, Dr. Goman answered, "You should really get more sleep. We gave you just a little painkiller while you were out... and you stayed out for days."

"Which painkiller?" I asked. 

"Just some aspirin." My gaze shifted back to her blonde locks. I held in a chuckle. This girl was testing karma. Omission is still lying. 

I commented with a hint of sarcasm, "So you've discovered my "little" allergy?" She went pale. 

I joked further, "Didn't notice my throat closing, that didn't have anything to do with it?" Dr. Goman went back to fidgeting with her clipboard. This is one of the reasons I didn't like Doctors. Yet still, as her eyes glazed over in what was bordering on tears, guilt filled me instead. 

"It's fine, you're not the first to make that mista-"

"It's not fine! I knew it was on your papers, I read them clear as day, but I was careless in speaking to a resident in training and you nearly died because of that. I'm sorry! If Mr. Park hadn't saved you I don't know what I would have done! He would've killed me!"

"What do you mean saved?"

"I froze, he took action. Stabbing you right in the leg. He was so calm, but he wouldn't stop glaring at me afterwa-"

"I see." My hand gripped at my chest tighter. 

What he told me before loomed even stronger now. My heart gave way to a strong sense of gratitude for James. An awkward warmth as my cheeks heated up to a soft pink. I shook it away but couldn't stop the smile that grace my lips. Nor the wetness that stung at my eyes. Using my other hand I wiped the liquid from my face. I wanted to leave even more than I had earlier. Quickly I spoke. 

"Is it alright if I go home now?" 

"Not really." I could still see the nervousness in her eyes. Though the rest of her had calmed down. As if confessing her sins cleared her of the emotion turmoil within. If only such things worked for someone who's lived like me. To just confess it all and hope the slate starts clean. 

I sigh. My hand moving to my head, pressing right onto the wound with a gentle pressure. More words spilled from me. Pleading now.

"Then can I have a little privacy? I really need to have some time to myself. Got a bit of an internal struggle." 

At my request, she finally bowed out and left me alone. Closing the door so fast and so soft I barely heard a click. The light burned above me, accentuating the paleness of my surroundings. 

Finally I was alone. I took a deep breath.

Then I thought. Going over everything I knew in my head. After what felt like maybe a few hours I finally what I needed figured out as best I could.

 I concluded three things:

1. James didn't do this. 

2. This type of kill makes sense with the "359" triad's MO.

3. I need to find out more. 

Maybe James was just mistaken on the leader's identity. I'll find out for myself. As soon as I am out of here I'll start kicking ass and taking names. I'll get the truth. I need to. 

Though I doubt Jae-Hwa would be a part of this. Still for now, I'll keep my research to myself. I won't repeat the same mistake I did with James. 

I hope he's doing okay. When I get the chance, I'll apologize. 

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