Chapter 24: The Truth Hurts

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"What the fuck." Jae-Hwa sighs, a smile on his face, staring directly at the guy I just knee'd. His hair a bit messy but not even close to the disheveled look on the guy. The tough guy who now started to cower back and away from Jae-Hwa. 

I could barely catch my breath. 

Jae-Hwa stepped further toward the guy, grabbing him by his shirt collar. My eyes began to sting but I still couldn't look away. Ju-won also hadn't moved. Neither of us even trying to escape at this point. We were out of sight and all involved didn't seem to care. The guy was definitely more focused on Jae-Hwa too. Tears streaming down his eyes as Jae-Hwa brought him closer. Wetness covered my cheeks too. 

Was I crying as well? Why?

Jae-Hwa speaks again, "This is the only base no one would want to enter... and yet you allowed someone to."

"No boss-" 

I didn't get the rest. The words just repeated in my head.


My eyes stayed fixed on the moment. Noticing the blade first, coming from Jae-Hwa's pocket. Stabbing into the guy. It was a deep blade, the kind used in butchering. I didn't know how he could have fit it in his suit. Had I seen it before at his house? Had I?! How come I never noticed it before... he must have a secret pocket, but with my experience... 

The guys screams echoed against the wall. Jae-Hwa was moving it up. Past his stomach, toward his chest. 

Jae-Hwa knew exactly what type of knife this was. 

I could feel my whole body becoming hot. My face stinging even more then before. I swallowed away any more emotions that dare let themselves be known. Blinking away the stinging too. Gritting my teeth together as rough as I could.

The guy dropped to the ground. Blood everywhere. Gasping for breath. 

"Pathetic." Jae-Hwa worded. His head turned up as the guy's head tilted down. My hand trembled by my side. I could feel my feet ready to move on instinct. Lifting, about to take off in a run straight for them, but then I felt something holding me. The strong hand of Ju-won holding me back. Eyes only fixed on me. With a face I couldn't quite discern. 

I stayed in place. Though immediately turned my head back around to look at them again. Yet as my eyes reached where they were only the guy was left, still bleeding out. Still dying. 

Jae-Hwa had left. Left this poor man like that. 

I sucked in a deep breath. Again I looked at Ju-won. He let go and we ran to the guy. Stepping past the blood all around us like they were just puddles in our way, the remnants of the other corpses like loose trash during a storm. My eyes felt cloudy too, as if I had been running in the rain. 

As soon as I reached the guy and witnessed him take another breath I knew what I had to do. I take off my shirt and bunch it up to apply as much pressure as I can on the guy with one hand. Ju-won does the same taking his shirt off as well, but uses both hands pressing on the stomach part of the injury while I press down on the chest part of the injury. With my free hand I dial the phone number. It barely rings.

"James its me." I answer.

"Yes." He responds back, quick and to the point. The guy takes another breath. A sigh of relief escapes me. 

I beg, "Please help."

"I'll be there immediately. Text me your location."

The guy makes another gasp.  Gurgling slight as blood pours from his mouth. He looks at me, but really past me. No more breaths come. I shake him but he falls limp.

I almost scream, "No!"

"An..." James words trail but again I stop listening. The phone drops from my hand as I jerk upward and take off running. Going back to my original instincts. Ju-won is trying to follow me but I slam the door violently into his face as I run outside and toward the still parked car. Jae-Hwa's standing outside smiling at god knows what. Still here. I wipe away the haziness so I can look at him clear in the face. 

Having heard the loud slam noise I made he turns in my direction and the smile instantly drops from his face. 

"Why are you..." he dares ask, eyes widened, "you sa-no you couldn't have."

I want to scream, but instead my vision gets blurred again by more tears. He starts walking toward me. Ju-won is still stuck on the other side. I start walking toward Jae-Hwa as well. When we reach other I slap him with all my might. Unsure of why I didn't just punch him. Before I can question myself further though I feel something hit the side of my head. 

Darkness takes over once more. 

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