chapter thirteen

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zayaad ^^ though he's not in this chapter.


"dude why have you been acting so weird?" jordan says, walking into lucas's room and slamming the door behind him. it makes his younger brother jump a little.

"for fucks sake jordan stop sneaking up on me like that," lucas says, his heart beating fast. "and i haven't been acting weird."

"yes you have. you always come to my room to bother me and you haven't done that for the past two days now," jordan folds his arms and gives lucas an accusing stare.

"but you always tell me to get out when i come bother you," lucas replies.

"you know i don't mean that," jordan sighs, then sits on lucas bed. "so tell me what's really going on."

lucas has no idea how to tell jordan that the reason he's been sort of avoiding him is because of what he did on the phone with elias. he's been feeling guilty over it and although he knows jordan isn't dating elias, they obviously have something together. and he's been a bit nervous on jordan's reaction if he finds out. what if elias mentions it to him? he would have to go to witness protection to avoid his brothers wrath.

"nothing," lucas lies.

"okay," jordan gives him a look that he isn't convinced. "come out with me tonight."

"really?" lucas perks up. "like out? aren't you grounded?"

"yes out. i told mom i had a group study." he says.

"where are we going to? because the last time i went out with you, you left me there and came home alone. my phone was in the car and i was stranded," lucas folds his arms.

"and i apologized for that," jordan shrugs.

"i walked for 5 miles, it was dark, i could have been kidnapped!" lucas reminds.

"i remember mom and dad were so mad at me and i got grounded for a month," jordan sighs remembering all the events he missed that summer. "we're going to a boxing match and i promise i won't lose you this time."


"you ask too many questions. look, if you don't wanna come i can just go with one of my friends instead," jordan says.

"i'll go," lucas says. although jordan annoys him a lot of the times, he'd never pass out an opportunity to hang out with him.

"great. wear something nice and meet me in my room when you're ready," jordan says.


"i don't know about this place jordan, why is it underground?"

"you ask too many questions," jordan says, dragging his brother through the crowded place. there's an arena and everything looks shady.

"it's starting," jordan practically squeals in excitement. lucas can tell that he frequents this place a lot.

the lights at the arena dim and the noise starts to reduce. then the fight starts. lucas winces whenever an opponent gets hit but after a while, with all the hype from jordan and the people around them he starts to be able to stomach watching them fight.

he's rooting for the smaller guy, but they seem to be evenly matched.

"hey, you made it!" an unfamiliar voice to lucas says from behind him. both brothers turn and lucas almost freezes when he recognizes the person. it's elias. he's wearing a dark hoodie that makes it hard to tell but lucas will recognize that gorgeous face anywhere.

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