chapter ninety-two

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noah/oliver. it's going to be the same person but i see this picture as oliver.


oliver waits for noah to be asleep before he brings out his phone and texts a number from memory.

olly: hey

number: who is this?

olly: your worst nightmare

number: you sound like an edge lord

olly: maybe i am ;) maybe i mean it

number: okay... blocking you now

olly: wait, don't. it's oliver

number: who?

olly: oliver? noah's twin?

number: yeah i know who you are. why are you texting me

number: i told you to delete my number. i saw you delete it

olly: i accidentally memorized it. oops. save my number, i'm saving yours now

pinky: what did you save it as?

olly: your name of course

pinky: right. why do i not believe that

pinky: what do you want?

olly: nothing

pinky: why are you texting me

olly: so you can save my number

pinky: you do know that i'm older than you with two years

olly: so? what does that have to do with anything

pinky: whatever is is you want from me, it's not happening

olly: wow you're so full of yourself, aren't you?

olly: i'm only texting you because of my brother

pinky: does noah know you're texting me?

olly: i wanted your number and for you to save mine in case somethings going on with noah so you could tell me

pinky: fine, whatever

pink: saved it. happy now? don't text me anymore

olly: ✌️


jordan texts elias to come pick him up. he's still upset about what happened and even though zayn had consoled him, he just wants to be out of the house.

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