1. Lone Wolf

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It's you. It's you.

Imagine being sang these words by a smoky but clear angelic voice in a tune that carries you to heaven and makes tears form in your eyes for the discovery of such sheer beauty and peace.

Yeah. Can't relate. But when I listen to Zayn Malik's song It's You and stare at his face on the lockscreen of my phone, I pretend that he really is singing this soulfull song to me and for me. And it satisfies my soul. It makes me look forward to another day. And I feel that way.

I know you probably think I'm being really dramatic... and I'll agree with you. But something about Zayn makes me feel justified to be so dramatic. I've been a fan of Zayn since his days in One Direction, and even though I'm not a boyband-fangirl-type-of-girl, I did attend a few of their concerts just so I can see Zayn live. He was my favorite, followed by the popular favorite of Harry Styles.

I never attended any meet and greets, so I never had the chance to meet the love of my life. And when Zayn left the band, it's not like he does meet and greets or even performances very often, so I've pretty much accepted that I'll never get to see him closer than the eighth row of a One Direction concert. But you know what, I'm okay with that.

I had no idea how soon all of what I just said would change.

It was Monday morning. My phone was going off on my nightstand in an annoying default ringer and triggering my hatred for early mornings. Nevertheless, I reasoned with myself and knew that getting up now and not snoozing it for a third time would give me more time to start the morning off slowly. I opened the shade and looked out into New York City. I'm lucky to live in a decent apartment in Soho. It's a tiny little thing, like literally all one room and a separate bathroom, but it's only me so it's perfect. Although I wasn't in a super good mood to realize all of this now. I groaned as my eyes adjusted to the light and plodded towards the bathroom to get myself ready.

Knowing I would need more than a little cold water on my face to wake me up, I retraced my steps to my nightstand and put in my bluetooth earbuds and put on one of my favorite morning playlists on my phone. Then I headed off to the bathroom and got washed up and dressed. I wore a white button-down blouse and a satin, knee-length maroon skirt. I chose a pair of simple black flats and put my hair into a loose fishtail braid and laid it on my shoulder. I guess I accidently got lost doing my makeup, because before I realized it, it was 8:46 and I needed to dash if I was going to be able to grab a coffee on my way to work. I mumbled a curse and tossed my eyeliner into my makeup bag and grabbed my purse and folder of papers for work.

Digging into my purse with one hand and pausing my music on my phone with the other, I hurried towards the door. My fingers finally found my glasses in my purse and I put them on and quickly glanced in the mirror on my way out. I smirked for the first time that morning, realizing I somehow managed to look like Zayn Malik's sexy secretary character in an old One Direction music video. What was her name again? Then I became serious again and dashed out the door, slamming it shut behind me.

I tripped over my feet not once, but twice as I hurried down the four flights of stairs to street level, and mumbled, "I hate Mondays," although I had said it in my mind about ten times since I first woke up. It was a windy fall day, and I began to wish I had worn a light jacket as I walked the fastest route to work. Going this way meant there was no Starbucks I could stop at, but I knew there was some sort of expensive coffee shop on one of these blocks. It would have to do.

The wind blew some of the shorter loose strands of my black hair into my face, and I kept shaking my head to get it off my glasses. I reached the coffee shop. There were a few business-dressed people heading there, like me, and I hoped there wouldn't be much of a line. As I juggled my folder and bag in my hands to try to get a free one to open the door with, I accidently knocked against a darkly dressed man also trying to get to the door, and dropped my folder.

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