5. Something New

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The next morning, last night was the only thing on my mind. Did I do the wrong thing? Was it too intrusive to go into his apartment? He didn't seem to have a problem with it, but he had also been drunk and sleepy and seemingly not in any shape to say or do anything for himself. I would've done the same for anyone I knew, but I guess I really didn't know Zayn, I had just met him that day for Pete's sake.

I had automatically got dressed and finished doing my makeup. I absentmindedly grabbed my purse and binder and put on my glasses, staring blankly at myself in the mirror. Would he appreciate what I did or feel awkward? Would he even remember anything? I walked to work, not bothering to stop for coffee because I was late (again).

I got into work and didn't reply to any of my employees' greetings because my head was in its own little world, questioning my entire life's existance and in the background of my thoughts replaying the events of the day before like a broken record. As I fished a piece of gum out of my purse to keep me occupied, I felt an unfamiliar object. I pulled it out and found that it was Zayn's dark grey beanie. I realized I must've picked it up for him on the way out of the bar the other night. Great. I kind of hated myself.

I did my normal duties in a pretty empty headed state of being then I had a lunch break. I decided to just grab a sandwich and expresso from the little cafe downstairs and went outside into the little fake park to eat it. To try to shut my brain up from repeating the same thoughts, I put my earbuds in and ate my lunch. The sun was shining and reflecting off the windows of the buildings around me, although the October air was a little chilly. I listlessly observed my surroundings and took a sip of my expresso and nearly choked on it as I realized there was a man standing to my left about four feet away from me.

I snatched my earbuds out of my ears. "Z-Zayn?" I stammered, gripping my cup with a death grip, thinking it would somehow keep me steady.

He walked over to me, his expression giving away nothing. My heartbeat accelerated when he sat beside me on the bench. "Erm, I wanted to thank you for helping me out yesterday," he finally said.

I gulped and quietly took a breath, trying to steady myself. "Oh, um, no problem," I said. "I... hope you didn't think it was rude or... anything."

"Rude?" he repeated. "Not at all. Thank you for helping me out. Sorry I was probably a pain in the ass to deal with." He rubbed his arm a little uncomfortably. "A bit embarrassing to be honest."

"Oh, no!" I said. "You were fine. You seemed like you had a nightmare or something though. In the taxi cab," I added quickly.

"I think so," he said quietly, running his hand through his hair which didn't have a hat covering it today. Ah yes, the hat.

I pulled it out from my purse and awkwardly handed it to him. He looked at it in his hands, a little confused. I cleared my throat. "Uh, this is yours. You left it at the bar yesterday. I guess I picked it up and didn't give it back to you."

"Ah, thanks," he said. He seemed to debate whether or not to put it on then put it into the pocket of his tan coat. We were quiet for a little, so I took another bite of my sandwich. "Did I say anything stupid yesterday?" he asked me. Why did I have to choose the wrong moment to stuff my mouth full?

"Emm," I mumbled, chewing my food. I decided against even trying to talk and just shook my head. Zayn looked at me with a slight smile. "Sorry," I said as soon as I was able to talk properly again.

"No problem babe, finish up," he said. My heart fluttered a little when he said babe, which was stupid because I knew he called everyone that as just an endearing term. "This your lunch break?" I nodded. "Yours?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Just taking a break I guess. I was hoping I'd see you actually."

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