11. Heads Down

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On Saturday morning, I wondered if they whole 'Zayn wants to show me his recording studio' thing was just a dream. But I got a text on my phone that proved otherwise.

Zayn: I'll be outside at ten. Does that work for you?

Me: Yes, that's perfect. I'll be out then.

Zayn: Cool. So, just be ready for the possibility of photographers and stuff, you know?

Me: Oh my gosh, I kind of forgot about that. Okay, I can deal with that. You said to cover my face a little?

Zayn: Yeah, if you can. You don't need to make it obvious that you're covering your face though.

Me: Got it.

I put my phone down. I had to pinch myself. Okay, I also had Zayn Malik's phone number, and he had texted me. Like, what? There are probably so many mega-fans that would die to have his number, and would pay me a lot of money for it. I shook myself and got ready quickly. I had a little over an hour until Zayn's car would be outside.

I wore a black turtle neck sweater, highwaisted jeans, heeled boots, and a black, blue and white jacket with a hood, which I would wear up. Would it be too much to wear sunglasses too? I did my makeup carefully and packed a small purse. I decided to bring the sunglasses. I waited by the window overlooking the street, waiting for Zayn's car to show up. I still had about a half an hour, so I went on my phone and scrolled through my feed.

I lost track of the time for a while, and noticed with, "Oh shoot!" that it was ten o' one. I looked out the window quickly. Sure enough, there was a black SUV parked outside.

But what stunned me more were the people.

Somehow they had learned Zayn's whereabouts. Most of them look like photographers, a few of them looked like fans. I did a quick count, and I concluded there to be around twelve people outside.

Now a little more nervous, I put the sunglasses on and grabbed my purse, heading out the door. Once I got downstairs, I took a deep breath. Act proper, I said. And you've got this.

I opened the door and stepped outside.

I could immediately feel eyes on me. Once the photographers saw where I was heading, which was towards the black SUV, a few of them moved closer to me and started snapping pictures.

This was so weird. I felt like a celebrity. And this wasn't even half of what it was like for Zayn.

By now, even the fans were crowding closer to me. A few photographers starting shouting questions like,

"How do you know Zayn Malik?"

"What's your name?"

"When is Zayn's new album coming out?"

"Who is Zayn dating now?"

I ignored them, which seemed to be what celebrities did when they were in that situation. Not that I was a celebrity in the slightest.

The door of the SUV opened and I stepped right in, ready to get away from the eyes and cameras. I felt a hand grab my arm and help pull me in. The fans started screaming, which freaked me out a little. They rushed up to the open door, reaching their hands and phones in, some touching me.

"Zayn! Zayn!"

"Could I get a picture?"

"Hi Zayn!"

"Oh my God! Oh my God!"


The arm reached over me and closed the door, after waving a little to the fans. And the car started driving off. It was then that I started breathing again. I looked to my right to see who it was beside me.

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