45. Quiet Joys

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Fiona POV

I was at work, doing my normal job. I decided to take a quick coffee break and stood up with my phone to head to the lunchroom. Among my many, usual notifications, I had a text from an unknown number. Assuming it was just a spam number or advertisement, I opened it with every intention of blocking it.

Unknown: Hello Fiona. It's Harry

My stomach did a flip and I stopped dead in my tracks. Harry. Harry Styles. I had completely forgotten that we had exchanged numbers. And he was the first one to text me? No, this doesn't happen, especially to girls like me. No way, what??

"Hey, Fiona! What's up?"

I looked up to see Kiki walking towards the coffee machine. "Oh, h-hey, hey..." I said, glancing back down at my phone.

"You good?" she asked with a smile.

I quickly sent a text back to Harry before I would overthink it.

Me: Hey, Harry!

"Yeah! I'm fine! Just an... unexpected text," I replied with a nod.

She seemed to let it slide and finished filling her cup. "Do you have any new thoughts about the job?" she asked.

I sighed and put my phone in my back pocket, then got a cup. "Yeah, I've been doing a lot of thinking. I've also talked to a couple people, and my dad brought up a good point."

We had a conversation about the financial side of the job, and it was actually quite a substantial payment, and paid flights and hotels were included. I was grateful to have Kiki to talk to about it instead of bringing it up to Jenn, the head of it all.

After we talked, I felt so ready to make a decision. The time felt right, and I knew I needed to tell Jenn what I had decided. It was Wednesday, and on Friday was that team meeting. I decided that I would catch Jenn after the team meeting and talk to her about it.

As I walked back to my desk, I suddenly remembered Harry's text and whipped my phone back out. There was a reply from him about ten minutes ago.

Harry: I hope this isn't weird, but I need to talk to you. About Z

My heart was beating a little faster and I immediately replied, since it had already been a while.

Me: Of course, what's up?

I sat back down at my desk and hoped I wouldn't get in trouble for texting on the job. I was done most of my work anyway.

Harry: I just want to be on good terms with him again. It's the least I want. He won't text me and I'm wondering if you can get him to

Me: So how should I go about doing that?

Harry: Just tell him I need to talk maybe? How is he doing?

Despite feeling slightly weird, caught in the middle of the two's awkward relationship, I knew I needed to help them.

Me: He's a lot happier. I don't know if I can say this, but an album is coming soon, so he's excited.

Harry: Yeah, I've heard. I'm glad

Me: And how are you??

Harry: Fine, yeah. Tour's going well. It's just a little distracting to be in a bad place with him, you know?

Especially when a lot of your songs are dedicated to him.

Me: I understand. I'll see what I can do. Good luck with everything in the meantime:)

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