9. When We Were 18

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I remember the first time Zayn slept on my shoulder.

It was in the beginning year in the band. We were jetlagged, excited, and everything was new and fresh.

We were sitting in the back of the car, talking, stuck in heavy city traffic. The tinted windows kept anyone from looking in and recognizing us. We had only stopped talking for a few minutes when I felt something soft fall onto my shoulder.

It was Zayn's head, covered in his usual beanie. I froze, paralyzed looking down at his face. His long eyelashes resting on his cheeks, his lips barely touching together. I stared at him for a long time.

It was then that I came to the realization.

The car lurched forward and Zayn started, looking around confusedly. It had only lasted for a few minutes, but it had felt like forever.

And I knew it was going to be forever.

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