42. Time Keeps on Slipping

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At 6:00 the next morning, the first thing I did was reach for my phone. An unhealthy habit I know, but what can I say? When you have Zayn Malik's number available on your phone and you've been talking almost daily, it's pretty excusable to constantly have the phone close by. I texted him first thing before I got in the shower.

Me: Good morning sunshine! :)

With a smile on my face, I put on some music and hopped in the shower. After drying my hair and applying my usual makeup, I checked my phone again and smiled to see he'd texted back although it was 6:45 in the morning.

Zayn: Morno, how are you?

Me: I'm good, thanks. You're up early

Zayn: Actually I'm up late. Couldn't sleep

Me: Aww... :( Insomnia?

Zayn: Yeah...

Zayn: Is this when you get up every morning for your job?

Me: Yeah :P

Me: I've actually grown to like getting up early as the sun rises. I think seeing the sunrise starts your day off in a good mood

Zayn: Yeah I think so too. But cause I haven't had any sleep I'm gonna need coffee ;)

Zayn: Have time to catch some together?

I'd be lying if I said I didn't jump up and down a little before replying.

Me: Now I'm really glad I got up a little extra early. See you in half an hour?

Zayn: Woah, woah! I'm half naked with greasy hair. Gonna need a little more than half an hour love

I tried hard to push aside the image Zayn had verbally provided me with but to no avail.

Me: Okay, forty five minutes

Zayn: :/

Zayn: Okay fine. See you soon!

I added a little more mascara and a subtle pop of color to my lips then put my glasses back on and searched for an outfit. It was almost freezing outside and the sky looked like it could snow any minute, so I pulled out a big, ninety's style sweater with bell sleeves and jeans. I tucked the front end of the sweater into the jeans and added my usual heeled boots.

Then I began to fret about work.

Last night I had tossed and turned, thinking about the huge decision I had to make. Two. Gigantic. Job offers were made to me and I needed to decide what to do. Both were pretty different from each other, but both were in my field of interest. It seemed like it should be such an easy decision to make. Work at a news source and write articles or tour with Zayn Malik as his assistant? The latter seemed like the most obvious choice.

But why was it that I couldn't just say yes? What was holding me back?

I made a mental note that I needed to call some people for advice today then grabbed a coat and headed out the door. It was windy and my hair whipped into my face.

Walking in the wind. It sounded like such a romantic, beautiful thing but it was not a pretty sight to behold. As I staggered, clutching my houndstooth jacket close to me and trying to tuck my wildly whipping hair behind my ears, I probably looked like a walking scarecrow. I finally reached the cafe and felt relieved once the warmth and stillness of the air grounded me.

As there was quite the line at this hour before work, I immediately got into line then ordered two coffees and turkey swiss croissants for Zayn and I. After picking it up, I headed directly to our corner table. Moments later, I saw a black SUV roll up and I knew it was him before I saw his slender figure saunter towards the door.

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