25. Like Snow in September

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Fiona POV

Throughout the whole weekend, Zayn's job proposal as me being his manager bounced around in my head like the ball in one of those screensavers that never hits the corners. And now that I'm back in my run-of-the-mill job at the coffee shop, I can't stop thinking about it obsessively. I imagined myself doing what I thought would be a day in the life of Zayn's manager. I pictured myself in business attire carrying a clipboard and talking on the phone, then hanging up and telling Zayn about a photoshoot he had coming up and then getting in his private jet to go to London.

Oh wait, yeah he didn't have a private jet. But maybe after his second album is released, over it's success, he'll splurge. Or maybe I'll, as his manager, convince him to. Or maybe he's just a simple, humble, down to earth person. Yeah, that was it. I saw myself wearing black sunglasses and a trenchcoat as paparazzi cameras flashed in Zayn's and my face as we ducked into a black SUV to head to a press release.

But that isn't me.

I'm far too insecure. My fears and anxiety is what's holding me back from doing what any normal person would do and accepting the extremely sought-after job immediately.

I sighed, setting down the coffee cup on the counter.

"Promise I'm not stalking you."

I looked up to see Zayn and he smiled, his eyes scrunching slightly and shining. "Zayn!" Funny how this man can turn my grey day into sunshine. "Are you sure you're not stalking me? Cuz there's like, twenty other coffee shops in the area."

"Hm, but this one's my favorite," he said, taking the coffee. "Someone I know works here too."

I grinned like an idiot and he smiled again. He raised the cup to me then motioned with his chin to a table in the corner. "I'll be hanging out over there if you care to join me when you get the chance."

I nodded. "Cool! I'll pop over as soon as I can."

He gave a thumbs up and headed over in that direction. As I made another order, I debated whether it was a good time to talk to him about the job or not. I was still thinking it over nervously, going back and forth with my decision. But damn, it sure would be a better job than this right now.

Glancing up at the clock on the back wall, I saw that I had about ten minutes until my lunch break, and I ended up counting down the minutes until I could take off my apron and sit down with Zayn.

Also, lunch. Did Zayn think he could just live off coffee and beer? Those were the only things I'd literally ever seen him having, other than pasta that one night. I smiled remembering that special evening. How many more of those would I get to share with Zayn if I chose to be his manager?

Finally, I untied my apron, re-tucked my sweater into my jeans, and headed over to the table in the corner.

He was on his phone, his coffee left pretty untouched. He looked up at my arrival. "How was your weekend, love?"

"It was good, actually," I replied, telling him about Harry's concert. I remembered the figure in the VIP section. I wonder...

"You know, actually, I decided to attend."

"You what?"

"Yeah. I decided to go as well. It was cool to see him perform on the stage alone."

Flabbergasted, I didn't know how to reply.

"He's a great performer," he added, taking a sip from his coffee. "I would've said hi to you but it'd probably attract too much attention, I think you know how it is. Besides, here we are anyway."

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