40. The Letter

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The next morning, Mick was a bit hungover from last night, and he layed on the pull out couch until eleven with the pillow over his head. We girls were wanting to go to brunch, so we dressed up and Paola smacked Mick, grumbling expletives at him, then kissed him goodbye. We headed to one of Lilly's favorite brunch places called "Olive Greenery" and sat at a table precisely in the middle of the restaurant, much to my dismay. I liked how Zayn and I always sat at the corner of places. It just felt more secluded, private, and safe that way.

Lilly recommended her favorite order - a green smoothie and a warm quinoa bowl - so we all ordered that. "Okay ladies, it's time we all catch up," Paola stated as we waited for our meals.

"YES, past time," said Lilly. She turned to face me. "Fiona, let's start with you."

"Okay, where do I start?" I asked.

Paol and Lilly both shared a knowing look and immediately I felt nervous. "So, who's the guy?" Lilly asked as casually as she could.

I rolled my eyes. "What guy?"

"Come on, Fiona," said Paola, folding her arms. "No need to beat around the bush. We're all in relationships and we girls can talk openly about them, right?"

"Who said I was in a relationship?" retorted Lilly in a low tone.

I snorted. "Point proven," I said sarcastically.

Lilly sighed. "Okay, okay. I'll open up first and hopefully then you will, Fiona. Martin and I are pretty close. We do really like each other."

"Okay, duh," Paola and I both said in our own ways. Lilly continued, biting her lip. "I feel like we've gotten to know each other better since Clementine. So we just, really connect, you know?"

Paola looked excited. "Yeah, and?"

"And we're just really good friends for now?"

"Bull. Shit."

I chuckled but nodded in agreement with Paola. "Yeah, you guys don't seem like just good friends," I added.

"Well we're seeing where things take us," Lilly protested. "I don't want to rush anything, especially after Jason."

I fake gagged. "Let's not mention his name ever again."

"Yeah, speak of the devil," Paola agreed. Lilly nodded, which turned into shaking her head. "I can't believe I thought I would end up marrying him," she said bitterly. "Anyone deserves better."

"Lilly, you deserve the best," I said meaningfully. "And I don't know Martin very well, but he seems to be a good guy who has a big amount of respect for you, unlike a certain other person. I mean have you seen the way he looks at you? Paola, have you noticed?"

"Mhm!" answered Paola with a little attitude.

Lilly smiled to herself. "Thanks, I'm so lucky to have him in my life."

"That's the way I feel about 'the guy' in my life," I said, making quotes with my fingers. Paola and Lilly looked at me with suppressed excitement. "I'm just..." I tried to find words that would sum up Zayn and I. There really weren't any that would describe the way I felt and the emotions, memories, and stories we'd shared. "I'm extremely grateful that for some reason he stepped into my life. I think it was just meant to be. We met at a moment in both our lives when we needed each other. We have a... connection, in a way, if that makes any sense."

I smiled slightly, remembering that day at the coffee shop when we danced in the rain. How he had admitted to believing in spiritual connections. "We've shared a lot of memories and in a short amount of time became quite close, mostly in the way of friendship, though our relationship is a bit complicated." Now memories of our first kiss flooded my mind and I furrowed my brow, realizing that perhaps 'complicated' was an understatement. I had no idea what we were or what I wanted 'us' to be.

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