44. Man in the Mirror

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Zayn POV

I had a long day ahead of me. This week was going to be a full week with the press, doing interviews and promotion for the album. I hated interviews. It's always the same old questions that the boys answer and I'm just sitting there like an idiot. At least that's what it felt like after being on the road for so long.

I took a shower then I put on my usual black T-shirt and leather jacket with my usual black jeans. I didn't even care to put any effort into my appearance because at the interviews they'd do all the grooming for us.

I walked out into the hallway and jumped when I realized there was someone standing right by my door.

"Shit! What the hell, Harry?"

He walked with me down the hallway and I shook my head, trying to recollect myself. "You're the last one ready, everybody's waiting downstairs," he told me, discarding the fact that he had just scared the piss out of me.

I checked the time on my phone. "I thought we had to be ready by twelve."

"Eleven, mate," said Harry rolling his eyes. "Sleep ok?"

I sighed as we waited for the elevator. "Never a moment. We got back so fuckin late last night and got held up outside because of fans. And we're rushin around again today. I didn't even have breakfast."

Harry nodded understandingly, studying my features as we stepped into the elevator. "I know. Want to stop and get something?"

I shrugged as the elevator doors closed. "Nah. I'm already late so I suppose I shouldn't hold 'em up any longer."

"They can wait, Zayn," said Harry. I shook my head and fiddled with the zipper of my jacket. I was exhausted and fidgety, and already needed a smoke.


I realized Harry was now standing directly in front of me, cornering me in the corner of the small elevator. "Your health comes first, Zayn."

"They don't care," I replied flippantly.

"I care."

Harry looked me straight in the eyes and I knew he meant it. "Thanks, Haz."

He continued staring at me until I smiled. Then he smiled and I poked his dimples just as the elevator dinged. The doors opened and I slid out from Harry's cornering and walked out. He followed behind me and we made a beeline to the back exit where the cars were waiting.

Louis was smoking outside, his hair looking limp and disheveled. "Where the fuck 've you been?" he asked in an annoyed tone, throwing down his cig and stepping on it.

"Trying to sleep for at least three hours," I answered dryly, putting my sunglasses on to cover my tired, just-rolled-out-of-bed features in case paparazzi were lurking with their zoom lenses. All three of us walked towards the van where Paul was waiting.

"Come on, you kept us waiting for an hour. I'm sick of this shit, Zayn," said Louis.

"Lou, chill out bro," said Harry quietly but Louis ignored him.

"Come on, mate!" Louis continued. "We're all tired but we still manage to get our arse out of bed in time for interviews."

"Will you fuck off for just a minute Louis?" I mumbled. Luckily he did and the three of us climbed into the van silently. Apparently, Liam and Niall were in another car. In a morning like this when Louis (and myself) was in a shitty mood, I'd much rather go with Liam and Niall or just Harry.

After the car pulled out onto the road, Harry put his arm around my shoulder so I did the same. I took off my sunglasses within the safety of the tinted windows and we just sat there, Louis's back turned to us as he silently fumed. It wasn't that I didn't feel bad for making them wait. I hadn't intended to be late; I got the time wrong. But at the same time, sometimes I just didn't give a shit. We had the same day scheduled tomorrow and the next day after that, and it was all out of my control. Maybe someone would see that I needed just a little bit of control over my own life. Maybe someone would realize that I wasn't the kind of person who could just get thrown around from place to place and still be expected to be all chipper and timely when I was jetlagged and exhausted.

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