36. Escapade

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Could my life get any better?

This question occurred to me Friday morning after I washed my face. I stared at myself in the mirror, waiting for the girl standing in it to answer the question. Could it get any better than it was now?

I had a job that I loved. A family that had endured struggle and in return became closer. A neat little apartment in New York City. Friends. And Zayn. There were so many aspects to Zayn that made me happy. Our friendship, our connection, our time spent together and the memories we had already created in such a short amount of time.

Everything was just... good.

My brow furrowed, wondering if things were too good. Whenever things were too good, something bad had to happen right? I shook my head.

I needed to stop thinking like that. In only a little more than a month, a lot of good and bad things had happened but they all turned out for the better. The wild issue at my old job resulted in getting a better one. Clementine's passing brought our family closer to appreciate each other because you never know what day may be your last. Meeting Zayn in a tough time, for both of us, resulted in us helping, growing and nurturing each other to get to the point where we were now.

I felt happy to know that in some ways, I helped Zayn through some things and brought back his smile and light inside of him, which was always there but just faded sometimes. And now it was shining golden.

Ever since Monday, we had texted each other every day. It's only been three days, I know, but that's a lot for Zayn. He's been known for being bad at contacting people (*cough cough* such as Harry, or really any other member of the band) so I'm really proud of him.

I texted him after I finished drying my freshly cold, dripping face with a washcloth.

Me: Good morning sunshine! 😀🌞

Only a few minutes later, he replied, which was surprising.

Zayn: hey! why does everyone call me that? Sunshine, sonshine from my mum, sunflower, golden boy. Care to explain??

Me: Golden boy? That's a good one. Should I call you that from now on?

Zayn: God please no

Me: Imagine, every morning you get a text from me: RISE AND SHINE GOLDEN BOY 😜

Zayn: Imagine, I chang my number for the forth time

Me: Dude, do you have autocorret or not?

Me: Shit

Me: *autocorrect

Zayn: XD

Zayn: you got what you deserved smartass 😝

Me: 🤣

Even just stupid little conversations like these started out days on a good note. It also comforted me in a way to know that Zayn didn't feel alone. He isn't usually the first one to reach out when he needs to talk; other people need to reach out to him. And knowing that he had been in a bad place recently and smoked and drank too much at times like those when he was alone, I guess I just wanted to remind him that I'm always here and I care. I care more than anything. I'd drop everything and anything to be at his side if he feels the slightest bit down. And I don't know why. It might have been something about those dreams that awakened me about how Zayn was feeling alone. He has plenty of friends, plenty of fans, plenty of money... but he felt alone. Isolated. Lost. And if I knew that, I had to do something about it, even if it was to just be a friend and a voice in the dark so he knows someone is there and truly, genuinely cares.

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