I just collected myself and got back on track. "What the hell are you all doing in my house? Let alone my bedroom?"




"It got Bev." Ben spoke for everyone.

"Well why didn't you start with that? Let's go!" I began to push the awkward boys out of my room.

I led them as we ran down the stairs. "Uh- I-Uh, I looked away." Ben informed.

"Thanks for that Ben, but we have bigger things to worry-" My breath caught in my throat as I reached the bottom of the steps.

"Going somewhere?" Its taunting voice questioned. There he stood, placed in front of the fire place with a large grin plastered on his face.

He held aunt Sarah against him, one hand rested over her mouth, the other gripped around her neck. She stood helplessly in his grasp, her mascara running down her pale face as she looked at me with pleading eyes. But I stood speechless.

"What? Clown got your tongue?" He laughed manically. Shivers ran up and down my spine faster than an electric shock.

Suddenly he grabbed her shoulders, letting her mouth free. "I LOVE YOU (Y/n)!"

A loud chomp sounded throughout the room. Blood oozed from aunt Sarah's neck. My vision began going in and out. The stress and anger was killing me. I fell to the ground, watching as the clown crawled out the window with a wicked grin on his face. Her limp body was dragged out behind him, her blood oozing from her mouth and neck painted the curtain and window pane.

I gripped onto the carpet in anger and defeat. I could finally hear the screams of the boys behind me, trying to get me to get up. I'd finally had enough. They were more worried about getting out of there and getting Bev than the fact that I'd just watched my aunt get chewed on like a stick of tobacco.

I abruptly stood up and grabbed the old vase that had always sat on the floor next to the fire place. It may have been well over 50 pounds but I had no problem chucking it the direction of the window the clown had just exited out of. Instead I hit the wall area below the window. It put a hole in the wall and shattered the window above it. The dust from the broken vase rose, as did my anger.

"OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT!" I screamed at the already frightened boys.

They looked at me with complete shock and horror. "(Y/n)..." Richie began.

"SHUT UP! I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT. GET OUT!" I marched towards them, fuming in anger. They only backed up, but refused to leave. At this point I was ready to kill. My emotions were complete wack. Tears streamed down my face and soaked the collar of my tank top.

"But we need to save-" I cut Ben off by running to the kitchen. Seconds later I returned, a large cutting knife placed in my hand. I screamed as I marched towards them once more.

I wasn't actually going to hurt them intentionally, I just needed them to get out before I accidentally do. It worked, seeing as they immediately scrambled out the door, slamming it on their way out. I could hear their screams as they scuttled to their bikes, finally leaving me alone in the empty house. Well besides the two howling dogs coming from aunt Sarah's bedroom.

I let out a cry and pierced the door frame with the knife. I melted down to the ground and just balled my eyes out.

After a few screams and emotional tantrums of throwing fragile things, I tried to toughen up a bit. I needed to calm myself down and get my emotions under control. I knew of the only thing that would help me. I jogged to the kitchen and kicked the glass to aunt Sarah's wine cabinet. It shattered so I took out a bottle.

I didn't bother to read the label, I just hit the tip end of the bottle on the counter. A splash of crimson wine covered my arms and tank top. I sat down and chugged the drink, stopping to spit out a shard of glass that fell in. When majority of the drink was gone, I decided to get up. I knew it would take a bit for the depressant to kick in, but I already felt better.

I looked at the trashed house. Glass was everywhere, in the carpets, on the wooden floors, on all the furniture, in my hair, and in my skin. I took a minute to get all the shards out of my palms and legs. Once I was sure there were no more fragments punctured in my skin, I moved on.

I ran back up the steps to aunt Sarah's room. I opened the door to see her terrified and shaking dogs. I pouted and picked them up. Both resting on each of my hips under my arms. I hurried downstairs, hoping they wouldn't see the blood even though they could most definitely smell that and the danger. I quickly opened the door and ran across the street to one of aunt Sarah's co-workers houses.

I pounded on the door while awkwardly holding the dogs who were now whimpering. A few moments later, an older woman opened the door. She took one look at me and already assumed bad had happened.

"Oh dear, what happened? Where's Sarah?" Her fragile voice asked as she let me step inside.

"Sh-she's gone." I whimpered. I set the fearful dogs down and faced the woman. "Someone broke in. I tried to stop them but they had already got what they wanted after trashing the place. Then they-they..." my voice caught in my throat. Coming up with stories on the spot was actually my forte.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Let me dial the police. You just sit there." She told me.

"No, I have to go. But I'll be back I promise." She tried to protest but I was already out the door and she was stuck on the phone.

I ran down the steps of her porch and sprinted back to my house. I stopped in the yard and grabbed my bike. There was no way in hell I was going to let those assholes die too, same with Bev.

This wasn't as long as I expected it to be, but hey, it's pretty long. That's what he said.

What a loser! (Bill denbrough x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now