Chapter 30

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Haizaki walked into the Raimon classroom and looked at the students "Listen up who wants a blue or pink ribbon"

"Are you okay" Norika asked as she closed her note book.

"What's this about" Hanta smiled as he jumped of his chair.

Haizaki cleared his throat "My mom is having a baby and you guys can get to wear what gender you think the baby is and if the baby is the oppsite gender you wear the oppsite color"

Asuto smiled "I'll take a blue ribbon, wait so if it's a girl I have to wear the pink" Hazaki nodded "yeah that's kinda the point"

"Can I have a pink" Hiro smiled.

Tatsumi looked at the colors "What if she has twins and they are one of each"

Haizaki gave a cold stare "OH MY GOD NO NOT TWINS, I DON'T WANT TWINS"

Yuuichiirou gave a small smile "I'll take a blue"

Masakatsu smiled "I'll take a pink"

"I bet the baby will be so cute" Goujin smiled as he grabbed a blue ribbon.

meanwhile Sakanoue left the school grounds and headed to a train station "Im coming dad"

Sakanoue looked at the trains "Yes a train thank goodness" he smiled as he crept under the barrier and ran onto the station.

The train slowly came into the station letting passangers on and off "I cant wait to see you dad" he spoke to himself.

Sakanoue grabbed a seat by the window and slowly felt the train move but he had another thing on his mind escaping the train guard.

An hour into the journey a train guard came into the carraige where Sakanoue was sitting "Tickets please"

Sakanoue started to panic "oh crap i need to stay low and calm"

"Son can I see your ticket please"

Sakanoue gulped and started to sweat "Umm sure let me see where I put it"

Sakanoue checked his bag and then his pockets "Umm maybe I lost it" he smiled as he sweatdropped.

The train guard called into his radio "I think we got a kid on here without a ticket, when the train stops at the next station we'll get him off and make sure the police are called"

The train stopped a the station the guard took Sakanaoue off the train and handed him to the police "He must of got on at Tokyo"

"We'll interveiw him at the station, just leave him with us"

Meanwhile Sakanoue's mother was pacing the floor "I told him not to go to football practice and he did, we were goin to talk about what happened"

The phone rang making the lady jump "Hello Sakanoue, huh the police whats happened, WHAT my son got on a train by jumping the barrier's and is out of Tokyo, oh my god im so sorry, i'll be over to pick him up"

The journey was long and cold "Why did you board a train to Osaka"

Sakanoue looked down "I wanted to see dad"

"Your dad only left yesterday you know" a cold voice spoke.

Sakanoue held his tears in "But mom, I miss dad"

"Listen you knew what you were doing, you cant blame the divorce on your actions, and you know ive got a bill to pay because of you"

Sakanoue just sighed and carried looking out the window as his tears fell.

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