Chapter 2

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The parents followed Midoiun around the big school "The Students can go into the library which is the first door down the left"

Mitsuko looked at Itsuke then turned to Midoiun "Could we have a look at least, i mean so we can see for our childrens benefit"

Midoiun turned to Mitsuko "Well you can check after the tour"

Mitsuko gave a nod "Okay thank you anyway"

Midoiun then pointed to the nurses office "The Nurses office is here, and down the hall to my office is the counsellers office as well"

Ippei gulped "Why would a counseller's office be next to his office" he asked himself.

Sakuma looked up "Guys its the parents"

"Parents" Hikaru spoke up as him and Toramaru were playing a game "And the man with the weird ears" Karasu spoke.

Kazemaru looked at the parents "God my parents are so gonna think ive been in trouble on my first day"

Fudou looked at Kazemaru "So"

Kazemaru gave Fudou the death glare "just shut it will ya"

Yoshirou smiled at his son "I'll see you after school son"

Sakuma nodded "See you later dad"

Karasu held his laugh "see you later dad" he chuckled.

The parents walked into Midoiun's office leaving the grey blazer students alone again "Whats wrong with saying speaking to my dad" Sakuma looked at Karasu.

Karasu smiled "Well lets see, well you have a patch and your dad has a patch, BOTH freaks, both monsters, must be a father and son thing, does your mom have a patch"

Sakuma bit his lip "I havent got a mom, and leave my dad out of this"

Karasu chuckled "You gonna cry you don't want daddy seeing you crying"

Hikaru looked at Karasu "Will you just cut it out, just leave him alone"

Shirou nodded "He didnt do anything and you started on him out of the blue"

Karasu smiled and turned to Toramaru "whats wrong with your ears kid, does mommy and daddy have ears like you"

Toramaru covered his ears and hid his tears "You know my cousin Nishikage Seiya comes here, if I tell him he would kick your butt"

Karasu chuckled "I would like to see him try"

Atsuya looked at Karasu "You have a very big mouth, like a whale" Atsuya started making whale noises. "IM A WHALE"

Toramaru started laughing at the comment "Will you stop laughing" Karasu blushed.

Sakuma chuckled as well "Its kinda true"

Karasu grabbed Sakuma by the neck leaving the others in shock "GET OFF HIM" Hikaru yelled. "YOU'LL KILL HIM" Atsuya tried pulling his hand away"

Karasu let go off Sakuma's neck slowly "That was just a warning, anyone else mess with me you'll all end up the same as the freak"

Sakuma rubbed his neck and grabbed his bag and left to go to the bathroom. "Come back we'll about to be called in"

Sakuma made it to the bathroom and looked at his neck and saw a hand print slowly starting to show.

"I cant tell my dad" Sakuma whisperd "He'll pull me out"

"That was just a warning, anyone else mess with me you'll all end up the same"

School life (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now