Chapter 28

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Later that day Haizaki stood over Yoshiya as he went through his back "I have pink polka dot ribbons and star blue ribbons, but I swore I had hot pink in here somehwere" Yoshiya spoke.

Haizaki sighed "Polka dot and stars will do, hand them out for me "

Yoshiya looked shocked "You know everyone is gonna think I'm mad"

Haizaki smiled "Oh well, I would do it myself but everyone knows im already mad"

Yoshiya gulped "I'll do it later on during lunch"

Haizaki smiled "Thank you"

Itsuke and Bernard were walking around the school "Ever seen the school counselor" Bernard asked as he looked at the door.

Itsuke shook his head "I dont think I've never seen one here ,all I've seen is the  nurse and that's about it"

Bernard blinked "A school nurse but no counselor"

Itsuke nodded "I know crazy right, one of the students Takemi Kousuke the boy who was beat up by another students dad, he went to the headmaster and his teacher about being bullied, sadly he was called a liar and look where he's ended up"

Bernard looked at Itsuke "Well that will change when im here"

Itsuke stood back "Hang on you're taking over like this very minute or"

Bernard smiled "Maybe now or along the pipe line"

Yoshiya ran up to Bernard and Itsuke "Here it goes, Haizaki told me his mom is having a baby and he says all the ones who say boy wear blue and all the ones who say girl wear pink"

Itsuke coughed "Yes thats my wife who's expecting"

Bernard smiled "Well thats cute, can i get first holds"

Yoshiya blinked "I already asked Haizaki and he said yes"

Haizaki ran up to his dad "Dad I need to....who's this man"

Bernard smiled "Bernard hopefully the new headmaster"

Haizaki shrugged "Anyway dad, mom called she wants some strawberry pocky"

Itsuke gulped "Pregnancy craving"

Bernard smiled "You go on ahead im sure these two will show me around"

Itsuke smiled "Thank you Bernard, be good Ryouhei"

Yoshiya smiled "Bernard you have to think this is cute right, pink and blue ribbons on the students"

Bernard have a small smile "Well I guess it is, I agree you can do it"


Haizaki held his hand out "Blue ribbon for me, I want a baby brother"

Later that day Itsuke came home with a bag full of strawberry pocky "Mitsuko im back sweets"

Mitsuko rubbed her eyes "Thank you honey, I just really fancy strawberry pocky"

Itsuko sat down next to her and handed her a box "its going to be great having another baby in the house"

Mitsuko nodded as she put some pockey in her mouth "How has Ryouhei taken it"

Itsuke looked at Mitsuko "I think okay to be honest, he is given out blue and pink ribbon to the other students"

Mitsuko giggled "Thats so sweet, i knew he would love having a little brother or sister"

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