Chapter 60

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Nosaka yawned as he walked down the hall way, he put his hand on the door handle to open the door "Sorry, I'm late-"

"Nosaka" Asuto smiled as he looked up from his work. Nosaka rubbed his tried eye's as he blinked. Toramaru smiled as he looked up to the outei student. "Why you in our classroom"

Nosaka blinked as he ruffed the younger boy's hair "I guess I'm just over tired" Asuto walked over to Nosaka "You do look tired, is everything okay" Asuto asked as he looked at Nosaka trying to fall asleep.

Nosaka nodded "Yeah It's just you know with Takemi and the whole thing with Karasu and he's dad, he wakes up screaming and crying"

Toramaru blinked "Maybe you can stay over at mine and Seyia's place" he smiled brightly as he held onto Nosaka arm"

"I can't do that kid, plus you guys only have a small house, It would'nt be fair"

"You could sleep in Seyia bed you know top to toe"

Nosaka looked at Asuto for help but Asuto just gave a small smile as he shrugged "I don't know how to help you there Nosaka I'm sorry"

Nosaka sighed as he lent back in the chair "Why are you two alone here, Thought you were meant to be on the pitch"

Asuto sighed "Well coach asked us to write the numbers from 1 to 100 5 times to help us think better on the feild"

"How is that going to help, and I thought my coach was a weirdo" Nosaka yawned as he rubbed his eye's again "Anyways, I better get going I'll see you both later" Asuto held onto Nosaka arm as he took his bag "Do you want me to help you back" he asked kindly.

"No really I'm fine, right Hikaru" Nosaka smiled as he ruffled Toramaru hair.

Toramaru blinked as he looked up at Nosaka with a confused look"I'm not Hikaru, I'm Toramaru"

Nosaka pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed "Sorry this is what happens when you get over tired" he gave a weak smile.

Asuto looked at Toramaru "I'm going to help him back just incase he goes into another classroom"

Toramaru nodded as he watched the older two leave the Raimon classroom.

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