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Start from the beginning

I couldn't stop staring down at the paper. I held it tightly in my hands as it felt like the world had stopped moving. Time had stopped as I kept my eyes on the paper. How did I forget about this? How do I still have this? So much happened that day and yet I never lost this. Lost and forgotten. Opening this would could tell me everything, her side. "Hey." I looked up to see Sarge standing there. "Suit up. We're waiting on you." She added and blinked a few times at her. "Sorry, just uh..." I stopped and she looked down at the paper in my hand. "Time capsule?" Sarge asked me and I smiled up at her. "You could say that." I said up to her. We both stood there for a moment as I looked back down at the paper. "Why not open it?" I looked back up at Sarge and stared at her. "It could change everything...again" I said and she stared at me. "It's- uh... I'll meet you inside." I said, getting up and walked slowly. "Ok Jean." Sarge said slowly.

I leaned on the building wall and closed my eyes. "Its a band-aid, just have to rip it off." I muttered to myself. Well that's easy for you to say, isn't it. Shut up me, ok focus. I can do this. I slowly opened the paper and stared down at it.

If you're reading this, I had to leave you for some reason. Or you looting my body and found this, beside to open it and read it. If that's my fate that please get this note to a girl named Geneva or she may go by Jean, but her last name is Dawn. hear the last request of a corpse...But that's not going to happen so its likely I had to leave my only family member because I knew you were safe where you were. I knew the person or people around you would protect you, not that you ever needed protecting. You were strong enough on your own. If I left you again, knowing you you'd be so angry or upset with me. I had to. I had to leave to stop something most likely or I get in with the wrong crowd...again. I never really learn, that much I've learned. This whole apocalypse shit is out of hand and writing this note makes it somewhat feel normal again.

That night I pulled you from the car, I went to find food.I went to find something more to help you. I couldn't save Ella, she was gone. It was you or her, I couldn't save both. Once this whole thing started and it was only us left I told myself to follow you. I do anything for you. I know where you are now you're safe. I know you're out there or in this case I knew you were out there. No one's taking down you, or I'd like to think so. I'm sorry I had to leave you alone for so long. I've being trying to find you out there, even asked that nerd CZ for help more then once. Who know a punk with a satellite would come handy. I don't know if you heard about, but this whole thing could be over one day. I hope soon, would make it easier to find you. Sorry it took so long.

Jean, I'm sorry I had to leave. If you read this soon after I left, maybe you can stop all of this. Murphy bite me, told me to leave. I'm going to try and cut a deal with The Man to spare you. He says that he's going to burn this place down. If there's still time, get out. Run and don't look back. Take Thomas and run away. Start somewhere new and leave a new life. I'm sorry I couldn't stay and fight alongside with you. I love you sis and I meant it when I said that to you. If we see each other again, I'll change. I'll be a better person. For you. I'd do anything to protect you. I have to stop The Man from killing you, he's going to kill everyone. Geneva, I'm leaving because I have no other choice. I can see that now in your friend. I love you sis. I'll see you again soon after the dust and ashes settle.

I raised my head from the note and stared out at the world. My right hand pushing my hair up away from my face. Everything she did was for me and Murphy corrupted her mind, changing her, taking her away from me. And to top it all off, I'm the reason she's dead. I got her killed, if I fought with her, she'd still be here. I felt a hand touch my left one, but I didn't look up at him."Sarge told me you were out here." I heard Tommy say. "I miss Julia." I said to him. His hand let go of mine, before he bent down in front of me. I stared up at his face, trying to figure out what he was thinking. "Everything she did was bad or unhealthy, but she was still my sister...and I miss her." I said, dropping my eyes away from his. I felt his hands go around me. I held onto his suit as we stood there.

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