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May 22, 2018 - 11:30 am

I drearily woke up, the bright blue numbers of my alarm clock shining in my face. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, where Stella was brushing her teeth.

"There's an email notification on your laptop," she said, mouth full of toothpaste.

"I know," I replied. I looked back at her. "What were you doing in my room?"

"Seeing whether you were asleep or dead." I rolled my eyes and trudged back to my room to open the email.

The email was in Korean, so I scrolled down and read the convenient English translation. The adrenaline was bursting through my veins.

Belle Henson,

BigHit Entertainment is willing to offer you an internship for being a makeup artist. Someone will guide you and you have to agree to the terms and conditions. You will have to fly to South Korea and work with our male idol group, BTS. Please respond as soon as possible whether or not you accept this offer.

BigHit Entertainment Co., Ltd.

My knuckles had turned white from how hard I was gripping the side of my dresser. I pinched my arm once to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I sure wasn't. Beads of sweat started to form at my hairline. I read through the email again. Then I screamed.

Stella ran into the room with a hand towel in her hands.

"STELLA!" I gripped her shoulders and started shaking them back and forth.

"Okay chill out," she said.

"READ THE EMAIL!" I shouted in shaky breaths. She walked over to my laptop.

"I can't read it, it's in Korean."


Her eyes concentrated on the screen, squinting. I could tell she was done with the email because she stared forward blankly. Slowly turning around, she put her hands on her head.

"OMIGOD BELLE AHHHH!!!" She put her arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. We were both jumping up and down, and I was screaming like a madwoman.

"I GET TO DO MAKEUP FOR FREAKING BTS!" I shouted, realizing it myself in the moment.

"Say hi to Hoseok for me," she said, laughing. As we were running around the room, my mom walked in.

"What the heck is going on? I thought a murderer broke in," she scolded.


"WHAT?!" My mom looked at me in disbelief. I shoved the laptop in her face and her eyes lit up when she was done reading. She gave me a hug while I was still squealing.

My dream had come true. This would give me my chance to prove to the world that I was a skilled makeup artist and I had a lot of potential. Tears were forming in my eyes. I would get to work for my idols.

"What about Revlon?" Stella asked, disrupting the moment. I stopped to think. I couldn't give up this chance, although Revlon would be much more convenient. I would have to leave my family and go to South Korea. Revlon was in New York, a spot much closer to where I lived.

"I want to take this offer, but I don't want to leave home."

My mom looked at me with a face of sincerity. "I want you to do what you want to do, even if that means leaving home." I nodded and exhaled loudly.

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