One last goodbye...

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Hello there, whoever is still reading this or keeping it in their library.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry to let you all down by officially discontinuing this book.

Sadly, as I've stated before I lost interest in Undertale a long time ago. And not only that but these days, my familly has been putting alot of pressure on me with the finals and shit that I can't even properly find time for myself.

But enough with the excuses.

Before I leave this damn book and wattpad once in for all, I'd like to apologize to someone who has been there for me throughout my journey with this book since the beginning.


Hi, I know I'm probably the last person you want to see or hear right now, but I am incredibly sorry for how naive I was. I should've known better and be there for you, care for you like you did to me.

Llama, you're the most amazing person I have ever met and I deeply regret my inactivity. I can feel your heartbreak, and now I despise myself.. I shouldn't have ever been in a relationship with you.

I'm sorry for being stupid and choosing you
you deserved better


thank you

thank you for everything. I sish you and your family the best of lucks.

I'd also like to thank everyone who has been patient with this book. I'm once again sorry for all the disappointment I have caused but I guess this is the end.

And if anyone wants to continue this book... Sorry but I do not allow it. I had a special ending that was planned but never mind that now- I just don't want anyone to do anything about this book

hell, I might even delete this abomination.

My deepest apologies.

I wish you all the best of lucks.

Farewell, old friends...

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