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Blue's P.O.V.

The whole cooking contest thing oddly went...quite great! We didn't talk much but atleast I learned that Edge isn't just a big meanie. He has different sides to be sure and well,this was one of the proofs!

When both of our meals were ready,we sat down and gave eachother the plates. I know we were supposed to give them to our brothers but we just supposed it'd be best not to... Anywho! I glanced at Edge,waiting for a go sign impatiently. This was getting excited!

We both traded looks and nodded as we digged in to the food.



Red's P.O.V.

"Come here you little-"


I shrieked. I was in the lab; Where most of my life and no to mention Paps' turned into a true nightmare. We were in a dark corridor and infront of us...That asshole. I took a step back,pulling Papyrus behind me as I growled. And before I knew,with that last growl,everywhere went dark. I was now in a void...alone. Where's Paps?! I thought. The room or void as I say was now dead silent. I tried to find somewhere or someone but nothing! Everything was just black until..I saw a faint white light in the distance. This was my chance and I wasn't gonna stand here losing it. I tried to swing my arms as I pulled myself. I was levitating so this obviously was working..a little. I did the same motion repeatedly as my breathing got heavier.

I was few inches away from the light but I still couldn't see the source. I tried coming closer but...My body froze. I couldn't move! I tried to move my legs but they didn't move a bit either.


I tried calling for help...But nobody came.


I shouted again and again,hoping someone would hear but as expected noone came. Though I swore I saw someone just a second ago...I want to get out of here!



3rd Perosn P.O.V

Red stopped shouting as soon as he heard a dark laugh,beyond the depths of the void. The sound was familiar but Red couldn't make it out.


Red tried again. When he did,another dark chuckle came as Red whimpered and tried to think of who it could be. He was thinking but soon he stopped as they revealed themselves...


Red backed away as the monster stepped forward. They didn't have legs,instead they were covered in some sort of slimy texture. Their skull was craked and their eyse were flaming red going perfect with their infernal grin.

"D...Don't you...fucking get anymore...c-close.."

The monster seemd to not care and got more closer. In return,Red tried to ativate his powers but...It didn't work...ah,of course. He lost his powers ages ago. Now he had nowhere to run.. He tried to get away but just like few seconds ago,he was once again frozen. He yelped and tried to scream for help but before he could,the moster disappeared...This didn't relive Red any good because the 'monster' could be anywhere and he was still stuck in a void,frozen. He was going to move but-

"I'll Help You" Honeymustard FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now