It was him.

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Stretch's P.O.V

Anger. That's what all I could feel at the moment.

I turned my head to Blue who was lying down like any moment he was gonna die. I couldn't help but notice his hard and hot breathings. The room was already warm as hell... I...I don't know anymore. I felt something wet on my face.  A tear.



I stopped and flintched a little. No... Blue didn't want this... IT WAS HIM!

Everything was clear now. That son of a bitch tricked my lil bro to his dirty game. How the hell didn't I think of this?! That was it. I turned my power on as my left eye glowed with a dark orange color. All though...That bastard was still grinning...Seems like I do have to give him a BAD TIME.

Red's P.O.V

I rubbed my eyes once I saw boss on top of Blue...This...This isn't true is it...? No. I have to face the truth...Boss dosen't love me...he never did...

I felt few hot tears fall down from my eyesockets as I just stood there doing nothing. While on the other hand Stretch was...really pissed...I wanted to stop him but it felt like I didn' Was I doing this on purpose?...Do I really want Papyrus to get killed?...

Stretch's P.O.V  

I summoned 3 gaster blasters that were ready to fire. I already had a perfect aim so I just fired them all at once wich also took most of my energy but I didn't care. He's gonna pay for what he has done.

I was still filled with anger so I held on and fired even longer..But once I stopped...I noticed that bitch has already left...I was still furious so I took my anger out of the wall next to me by punching it few times until i realised this was useless. Once I stopped,I quickly ran over to my bro. I already knew that he passed out so I didn't check much on him. He was a big sweat mess and not to mention that disgusting...liquid...of that...fuck it. I grabbed Blue and started carrying him until i stopped and noticed something. Red wasn't around... Well...none of my bussines anymore.

I continued to carry Blue until we reached the bathroom. I carefully placed him in to the bath tub while trying not to wake him up. I grabbed the soap and one of the washcloths then started to rub it over his body...I noticed the freshly made marks all over his body and seeing those made me even more disgusted and mad over that bitch but I tried to ignore it.

Blue's bath was finally finished so I picked him up once again and went over to his room. I opened his closet to pick his favorite pjs. It was a dark blue Shirt along with dark blue pants and both of them had star decorations on them wich Blue loves.I slowly put on his clothes while once again trying my best to not wake him up. After a while of getting him dressed up,I took my bro and layed him down on my bed since his bed was a total disaster from earlier...


''I'm sorry bro...I couldn't protect you...''

''I'm a terrible brother...''


''No you're not.''

//OOF CLIFFHANGER LOL SRRY anyways so um hii guys! well im realy sorry for this late update once again. I still couldnt fix my phone and I'm super pissed about it. Sigh. Oh well. 

Stay tuned~

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