Run or Hide

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"'No you're not.''

Stretch's P.O.V

I flinched a little as I turned around to see...noone. Weird... I swear I heard someone...Whatever. I think I'm a bit traumatized after all that has happened today...Can't blame myself though... I sat down next to Blue's bed as soon as I started to close my eyes...

Edge's P.O.V

After using my left over energy to teleport I was pissed as fuck. I wasn't done with that little shit yet. If only Red could've distracted his brother...smh...What would you expect from a worthless shit like him. Anyways. I stood up still growling a little and looked around a bit. Guess I didn't teleport myself that far huh? I was in front of the big door where snowdin starts. I pulled my pants up and zipped it. It was still a bit wet but atleast it wasn't noticeable. All though my hands were still dirty with Blue's hot and still wet ecto cum. I decided to wash em off with a snow piece I picked off of the ground. It didn't clean much but at least it was better than before so I just decided to lick the rest. Heh. After I was done I thinked about what now and then something bonked to my head. Red. I remember seeing him behind that orange shit...I gotta find him now...After all my job was cut short...Heh...

Red's P.O.V

I remember leaving the house as quickly as possible before Stretch could saw me. I was crying my eyes out and sweating from anxiety attacks. I couldn't help but think what happened to boss... Since I left after Stretch summoned his blasters,I couldn't see what happened after. Ugh. Get yourself together Red...Cut this shit...Why are you thinking so much about him...He never cared about you did he? You are a worthless piece of shit to him aren't cha? Fuck off. I decided to take a walk to relax abit and get away from these thoughts. Most of the times,after getting a beating from boss I always do the same...Just take a walk and try to calm down. I also wanted to know If the old lady is still behind that door. Maybe I can talk to her ab- sigh. Right. We're not in my universe. Well...At least I can give it a shot. I stood up and started walking twords the path to the door. I was walking alone so I felt the monsters looks on me. I decided to ignore it and just continue. I kept walking until I bumped into a little goat kid wearing a striped sweather.

"Oh! Sorry sir!"

I didn't reply cus if I did I would probably shout or swear at him and honestly I didn't want that to happen since this isn't my universe after all and probably it would gain a lot of attention.

{{ Time Skip cause heck }}

It's been an hour and I'm almost at the door. I was still thinking about Boss,Stretch and Blue...It wasn't his fault of what happened earlier... I let out a sigh as I continued...


I flintched once I heard a lever noise... It came from ahead. It must've been from a puzzle...Wait. If it's really from a puzzle then that means... A human must be ahead! Shit what do I- I stopped. It wasn't a human...nor a monster...It was him. I just stood there and froze cause it was too late. He saw me didn't he...I took a deep breath and a step back.

Edge's P.O.V

After finishing these stupid puzzels I stopped at a point. I saw someone ahead wearing a black coat with fur...I knew it was Red...Heh...How lucky am I today. I noticed the shaking legs of his and just tsked. It was clear that he was scared. And I liked it. I took a step forward but once I did that he flintched and did the opposite. Guess he really is scared of me. Nyeh. I was going to levitate him twords me with my magic but I remembered that I had no energy to do it so I decided to just go and grab him. All though,before I could do anything it seemed as if he already started to ran away. Heh...

He can run,but he can't hide...

//AyEeeE I mIssEd writING this CrAp xdddd lol so hloo yall! Like I said before,my phone is finally fixed and honestly I'm happy as heck ! I can finally return to read my sin- I mean reading fanfictions on Wattpad also not to mention writing this crappy fanfiction :d Anyways so I just wanted to thank every one of you for your patience and support ♥ It means alot guys and I can't do this without you all <3 Thank you so much again Ly all !

~Stay Tuned

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