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Blue's P.O.V

I woke up to an awful headache. I couldn't remember how I ended up here or who bring me to my bed. Actually I couldn't remember anything! The last thing I remember was showing Edge's room. I looked around Abit as I scratched the back of my skull then I tried to stand up but it was hard at first. For some reason my legs were numb and like I said there was huge pain in my head. Since I couldn't just stand myself,I decided to hold on to the walls. It wasn't the best idea maybe but it was gonna help that's what mattered. I went to the bathroom and washed my face then brushed my teeth. "How long was I asleep?" I said to myself. After finishing I went downstairs to look for Papy,Edge and Red but none of them were home...I tried to think where could they be but nothing came to my mind other than Muffet's so I just grabbed my phone and called her. After a little while of talking it turns out that they aren't there either so I just thanked Muffet and hang up. Maybe they went out for Abit? I kept trying to remember of what happened yesterday but nothing came in to my mind untill something made me remember. Edge. That's...right...I-I was...getting...hurt....As these thoughts came into my mind my breathing got heavier as my face started to heat up. I remembered how we played our little 'game'. At that moment,I knew something bad happen after I fell asleep. I quickly went up to my room to put on my battle armor but it wasn't there. Papy must've cleaned it since...it got...dirty last time...Ignoring it,I went back down stairs and grabbed my phone once again. I went through some numbers to finally find Papy's. Dialing... Everytime it said dialing,I started to get even more worried...Honestly I was worrying about Papy sure but...It felt like I was worrying about something else...I couldn't exactly make it out-

"Hello? Blue?"

My eyes widened as Stretch spoke. Thankfully he sounded fine. But...that was not it.


"Woah woah hold on. Bro I'm alright and Red is too...We just had to do something real quick..."

Do something quick...? For some reason I started to even more worry even though I'm literally talking to my brother on the phone. What..is this feeling?

"Oh! Blue! Bro are you alright?"

"Huh- Oh yeah! I'm perfectly fine Papy don't worry...Well I gotta go now...I'm gonna cook some delicious tacos! MWEH HEH HEH!"

Obviously I was lying. But I just didn't want Papy to worry about me cause it looks like he already has worried enough. After saying goodbye to him,he also said the same and hung up. I once again sat back on the couch and begin to think what this "do something real quick" is...I had a bad feeling.

Stretch's P.O.V

After saying goodbye to Blue,I felt like a huge weight was off of my shoulders so I was relieved a little. I turned to Red who has just finished putting on his clothes and glanced at him.

"Well...? Who was it...?"

"Oh It was Blue. I guess he got worried after not finding us."

I saw the smile on Reds face starting to shift into a depressed expression as he slowly looked down.


I felt like my heart melted so I walked to him and grabbed his chin as I lifted up so he can look at me.

"It was not your fault. You don't have to be sorry."

I gave him a little kiss and let go as his face once again heated up. I chuckled at the view and then turned back to Edge. After a few seconds,I turned my magic and lifted him up by levitating him.


I turned at Red who was looking confused and curious at the same time. He looked cute as always~

"We're gonna talk to your brother for a bit... Don't worry I'm not gonna let him get away or hurt either you or blue. Trust me."

Red stopped and thinked and then shot his head up.


I gave a warmin smile to Red so he can at least feel better and I guess it worked cause he smiled back giving a chuckle.

"Well whaddya waiting for...? Let's go."

He tried to walk twords me after saying Let's go but his legs were still shaky so I just ran and grabbed his arm,putting him in my grip by lifting him.

"Shortcut it is."

I teleported all of us in to the living room and turned off my magic cause I was getting tired that there were few sweat bullets coming down from my skull. Course after I did that,Edge just collapsed on the floor. I gave a slight chuckle as I looked at Red who was tightly hugging me and dig his head to my hoodie with a dark red tint on his face. He was just too adorable...


I looked at the direction where my name came and it was my lil bro Blue! I slowly put Red back  down and ran to Blue to hug him. Thankfully he was safe and he was fine as usual.

"Blue! Bro are you alright? How have you been? Did nayone came while I was gone?"

I knew that I asked alot of questions at once but I was still worried that something might as well happen while I was gone and well,thinking of these made me grip on tighter to the hug.

"I'm Perfectly fine Pappy! Mweh heh! And no! Noone came while you were gone. Gosh Pappy your worrying too much!"

"Says the one who asked me the same questions on the phone."

Blue giggled at my response and slowly let go of the hug.

"Well brother...Are you guys okay? Where's Red and....."

I didn't want Blue to finish his sentence with that bitches name so I just move aside so he can see Edge lying on the floor.


As for my surprise,Blue quickly ran to to Edge and bent down so he can get a better look. I just stared at him and raised an non existing brow. Something wasn't right with Blue...He looked worried than he normally was and to the guy who...raped him! I was getting a bit mad but I stopped as something grabbed my hand. It was Red. He looked up at me as he hid in his fluffy jacket,telling me that it's alright. I sighed and just continued to look at Blue..........Wh.........wha...

...What ?...

//Heyyyyyaaaaa!!!1 So I know I said I was gonna do something special for the next chapter to some of you and well I changed my mind. Sorry ;v; It was kind of a stupid idea too so. Yeeah. WELP! I KNOW ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER LOLZ. well look on the bright side! We're all learning how to be patient! Isn't that just greaAt? Welp hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ♥♥♥

By the way! Some of our might've noticed but most of the time I write the same words over and over again and honestly I'm really freaking sorry! My English vocabulary isn't that wide since English isn't my first language. I hope you guys understand and if you did then thank you so much <3 Well once again,hope you enjoyed this chapter ♥!

~Stay Tuned

&quot;I'll Help You&quot; Honeymustard FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now