Let Me Give You a Tour

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"It's okay...you'r safe. You don't need to cry anymore.."

The little skeleton looked at me while his face went fully red.



I gave Red a hug but he didn't really gave me back,instead he kinda pushed me slowly so i let go of him.

"So uh....Red-"

The little skeleton popped his head and looked at me with suspicious eyes.

"..H-how do you know my...name?"

I was kinda shocked at first. But I just went with the flow and gave a chuckle.

"...Actually me and my brother decided to call you that while you were sleeping,heh."

He once again looked at me.


I gave another chuckle and looked at him with tired but relaxed eyes.

"Yeah,my lil bro Blue. He actually looks alot like you...Maybe its because he's your alternate version,heh."

Red's P.O.V

My alternate version? I wondered how he looked like but I'm probably just gonna find it out soon. I got up and looked around abit and looked back at the tall skeleton named Stretch.

"...So...you're my brother but...an alternate version of him?..."

He nodded while taking out a ciggarette and a lighter.

"...You smoke?"

"Dosent yours too?"

Even though boss is an asshole,I never saw him smoke but I did see him drink. I shook my head and turned back at Stretch. He let out a sigh and he also got up.

"..Want me to give ya a tour?"

I didnt know if I should accept or not but there was nothing else to do so I just accepted anyway.

"Aight. Let's go.."

I followed Stretch out the house and then looked around. Outside really looked like Snowdin back in my universe but instead people here seemd calm,cheery and happy instead of edgy and mad or they didnt have an expression on there face saying "What the fuck you lookin at?"... This thought kinda made me laugh abit so I chuckled. After my short chuckle I realised Stretch looking at me with a grin on his face while smoking his ciggarette. I kinda blushed and shrugged.



He was acting like a bastard.

...but a cute one...

Stay tuned for more!~

&quot;I'll Help You&quot; Honeymustard FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now