Something's not right...

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Blue's P.O.V


I heard the creaking sounds from the door but I couldn't see much because of my blurry vision. My head was aching badly and my body was super weak so all I could do was pull my hand out and try to reach out the person infront of the door while tears were still streaming down my face.




The whole room went dark once I finished my words.


I was having a nap while Red on the other side was sitting and being quiet. I didn't mind it so I continued to sleep. But...I had to cut my nap short. I felt like I heard a muffled scream similar to Blue's so I quickly got up from my 'nap'. Both Red and I looked at each other...Something was wrong. I stood up as Red glanced at me.

''W...Where are ya going?''

I didn't bother to look back but atleast I did awnser him. (wow ruude)

''Meh...Jus' gonna check on my bro and see how he's doing.''

After saying that,Red also stood up with a nervous look...He knows something...

''I-I'm coming too...''


I slowly started to go up stairs while Red was behind me... He was acting more nervous than usal and I could see the sweat streaming down from his forehead...

As we got closer to my bro's room,the strange noises were getting more louder and clear...No...

''O-Okay you wait here.''

I was starting to get nervous about what I was going to see so I didn't want to involve Red in this. But...As I was heading to Blue's door,Red gripped on my arm.

''I-I'm gonna come too...''

I was feeling kinda uncomfortable with this but since his brother is also there,I just nodded.

We were now infront of the door. I tried to open it by its handle but no use. It was locked. I was starting to get angry instead of being nervous.

''L-Let me try...''

I just nodded and let Red try even though he probably can't. But I was wrong... He pulled out a some sort of hair clip like in the movies. It was kinda funny but because of the situation we were in I wasn't in the mood for joking around so I slowly pushed Red aside while sighing. 

''Hey! J-Just let me try!''

I tsked as I raised an eyebrow. He was litterally just playing around! Once again I tried to open the door and with the power of mine this time but it was still no fucking use! I had no choice but to try Red's idea. Sigh...

''Fine. Give it to me''

Red slowly nodded as he handed out the hair clip he was holding. It was kinda sweaty but I didn't care. All I wanted was to open this damn door and make sure Blue's okay...That bastard

I kneel down and started to play with the hair clip inside of the door's key hole. Cling! 

I was surprised honestly...How the hell did that even work? Pfft. Whatever. I stood back up and looked at Red. He had some sorta proud and nervous expression at the same time but his sweats were still clear. I faced to the door and slowly turned the handle...Creeeeeeak...



//lol sorry cliffhanger! I know guys but I had to cut this chapter short tehe well umm yeahh. okkkkkkkk um the next chapter is probably going to be like dramatic so um idk. 


Stay tuned~~

"I'll Help You" Honeymustard FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now