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I've said it before,I'll say it again...

Dear everyone,

I am so proud to say that all of you are wonderful beings. I know what I did wasn't good by suddenly disappearing but even so all of you have respected me and supported me through possibly the worst time in my life. If it weren't you guys I would never get over the thing that has made a visible scar to me no matter how hard I've tried..
My friend may be gone but atleast she still lies in my heart,where she always was.

If you are ever thinking of bad intentions just- please..I beg you. Don't. You are loved by many and cared by many. It's not worth to give up on life just because it's not going the way you want it to.

Just think about other people like North Korean's.. People are starving, getting sentenced to death for no reason because of a so called "man". You should always be thankful for what you have and what you're going to get. I know how life is tough and how obstacles can come into your way but just focus on how to push them instead of giving up...

Thank you.
Thank you for everything..

I love you all,take care..

"I'll Help You" Honeymustard FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now