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Arabella didn't even remember what sleep was like, the feeling to be in a different world with no worries or stress, no pain or fear

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Arabella didn't even remember what sleep was like, the feeling to be in a different world with no worries or stress, no pain or fear. Just a simple darkness, most nights she would remember her dreams, the beauty of them, they usually consisted of her children older, Jon teaching his son to ride a horse, her daughter chasing boys and wearing crowns. They were gorgeous.

But this night was the first night she truly slept, as the castle was one dragon short as Daenerys had flew out with her largest dragon and Dothraki men to find Jaime. She didn't think that one dragon could make the difference to her sleeping pattern but heavens it did, one less screeching roar at night fall. She dreamed that she would see her children playing and training but her dream that night was far from it.

She was in the snow - piles and mountains of it. She roughly burrowed her nails into the ice below her feeling no cold from it, her hands were truly numb to the point she didn't even know if she had hands or not.

She glared up at the sky, there was no hope of her running, she looked over to a mountain blue ivy eyes glaring deep into her, she opened her mouth but no scream came out nothing came out.

Not until they ran swords and weapons blazing 'HELP!!'

She shot up sweat covering her head and a cold sensation running up through her nerves, her eyes paced the room in worry that she was still in a sleep state but soon realised she wasn't when she met her husbands eyes.

He gave her a gentle smile not noticing the worry on her face or the sweat dripping from her pale body 'News of Daenerys arrival has spread, we should greet her.'

Arabella gulped nodding deciding to not argue on the matter, because the queens arrival wasn't the least of her worries, she wasn't sure if what she saw was a nightmare or a vision of the future to come.


The familiar screech of the dragon was sounded, Bella glared up at the sky awaiting the return of Daenerys, the shot of a large dragon came into view and even though Arabella had seen Hyperion many times it didn't mean she still wasn't amazed by the sight of any dragon as when she was a child she would read about them and dream of seeing them, and to get to see them everyday was amazing.

'Isn't he amazing?' Jon gasped glaring up in awe, Arabella didn't answer him however she just stared at the route Daenerys was guiding her dragon which seemed to be right in front of them.

The dragon pounced on the ground before them, Bella hadn't expected Drogon to land so close to them, and found herself jumping back and clutching onto Jon's arm. She didn't expect herself to cower in fear it was an idiotic move but for a dragon to stare you down.. well it wasn't the funnest of things.

The dragon growled eyeing up Arabella who's breaths were haltered, she gulped letting go of her husbands hand who didn't move an inch not even when the dragon stepped so close to him, he slowly removed his glove itching his hand further up to the dragons glowing scales.

Arabella feared to touch him as the last time she touched a dragon she had an awful vision and it flew off into the wind, but watching her husband be so brave was mesmerising, she slowly removed her own glove her hand coming into contact with the close scales.

They felt so much more harder then Hyperion's but she only supposed it was because she was a female rather then a male, Jon's fingers laced in with Bella's and together they stroked the dragon.

As Jon's grip got tighter Bella closed her eyes the image of icy blue eyes once again glaring deep into her soul, she gasped letting go Jon not noticing the action.

Drogon then looked up at his mother climbing down from her seat on him. When her feet perched onto the floor, Drogon gave Jon and Arabella one last glance before off to finally see his brothers once more.

Jon opened his mouth to speak but another voice was heard causing the three to turn, Arabella didn't recognise the accent clearly but it was not a southern tongue most likely Valerian, and so she was right as a group of Dothraki men approached them a man by their side.

Daenerys grinned at the man and spoke back to the men, Jon sent Arabella a confused glance and she just shrugged as the man knelt before her 'Your Grace' His accent was unusually thick.

Arabella held in a strong breath waiting to be introduced to the unknown man before them, Dany smiled turning to the couple 'Jon Snow, Arabella Baratheon, this is Jorah Mormont. An old friend.'

Arabella felt her heart drop and her knees weaken at the name, Jorah gasped his eyes meeting hers, he could see the resemblance of their mother she held her olive skin, the fairness of it awfully familiar 'Jorah?' She felt a sob erupt from her throat at the words she thought she would never say to him, her eyes didn't leave his own, she took in and examined every single feature of his.

His eyes were a deep blue, exactly like their mothers, her throat tightened looking at him, he held so much resemblance to their mother it almost hurt looking into his eyes were like looking into her mothers. She allowed herself to run up into his arms a moment she always dreamed of.

She always dreamed of seeing Jorah, holding him, loving him like a sister should love her brother, and she was glad Daenerys allowed this moment to happen, she was glad Jorah was here with her.


The more she looked at Jorah the more she thought of her little Shireen. They were both kind and pure souls. Not to mention Jorah survived the same disease as her sister and it seemed Arabella was the only one not affected. But the more she thought of finally meeting her brother, finally seeing him, talking to him.. the more she missed Shireen. The more she missed her happy little family.

Jorah was a kind and compassionate man she knew that much, but she also knew he was completely and utterly devoted to Daenerys. Just as Sophia was completely and utterly devoted to Arabella.

She rubbed her hands standing before the fire the events of her dream once again replaying in her mind, it was an odd dream one like she had never had, she was for sure if she didn't wake up the ultimate ending would've been her dying in the hands of the dead, she shook off the thought the image causing and immense pain to rush throughout her skull.

She gripped onto the sides of her head screaming in pain, it started as a tingling sensation to a burning one, her eyes glued shut as she screamed out for Jon.

The cry of a young boy rang throughout her ears 'I don't want to die!' A woman cried.

'You won't die' The man next to her sobbed.

'If Robert finds out he'll — he'll kill him, you know he will. You have to protect him Promise me Ned. Promise me'

A young boy rested in the arms of a young bearded man, the baby stared up at him with his big brown eyes.

'Promise me Ned.'

'I promise.'

Arabella screamed her eyes being met with the eyes from her vision Jon.

She gasped struggling to find a source of air her whole body shaking in the arms of her husband, he stroked her hair whispering stuff she couldn't comprehend,

Promise me Ned.

Jon was the son of Lyanna Stark and Arabella knew that, she knew those deep brown eyes from anywhere, the were Jon's.. Jon was Aegon Targaryen.


She finally knows Jon is Aegon, and she's finally met Jorah!!

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