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The castle shortly grew quite without the princess's laughter filling the air , the mood seemed gloomy and empty and it was , all the men felt empty without a woman to glare at as Sophia was only bidden to eat and wonder the library

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The castle shortly grew quite without the princess's laughter filling the air , the mood seemed gloomy and empty and it was , all the men felt empty without a woman to glare at as Sophia was only bidden to eat and wonder the library.

Something she hated Arabella for but still understand the right reasoning for it , she spent most of her time reading up on family's and fights with Samwell Tarly.

'So what book should it be today, I strongly feel for reading about the Targaryens aren't Baratheons and Targaryens related in some distance ? Well of cour..'

Sophia zones out hating how nervous the man got around woman he would never shut his gob and it was becoming beyond boring for the blonde and the last thing she wanted to do was read about the Baratheon and Targaryens relation.

'It says here' Sam pointed trailing his finger along the line ' Daenerys Targaryen had a twin sister named Damaris Targaryen, it says here there was no report of her when Daenerys and Viserys fled its said someone from house Sanders one of the only remaining loyal houses to the Targaryens held her safe, before they were also slain leaving only Natalia Sanders mother of Jorah Mormont , Logan Waters and Arabella Baratheon' Sam almost choked on his words surprised by the words that he read.

Sam winced slowly taking in all the information he read it slowly processing in his head like a jigsaw puzzle and when every piece joined to the other he could've had a heart attack right there and then.

He played with his chubby fingers jotting all the pieces together Arabella's mother saved Damaris from death and a life of hell across the waters.

And that's when he looked at the blonde before him, he knew that he was right. He wasn't sure not 100 percent anyways but her looks gave most of it away, her icy blue eyes, almost completely silver hair, her soft pale skin. He was sure he had to be so he did what he thought was best in this moment.

'Your Damaris Targaryen'


Arabella sang a sweet tune in her head swinging her arrow softly , Harold trudged slowly behind her on his horse sword ready in case any danger strikes , Grace trotted gracefully behind them making sure she didn't leave Arabella's side.

'Food oh glorious fooddd, i'll take anything deer, squirrel or even crow!' Arabella sang , Harold laughed at her song.

'Such elegance' He laughed loudly trying to mock her voice.

'Oi' She yelled kneeling down and rolling a pile of snow in her hand and throwing it in his direction but lucky for him he ducked just in time the ball hitting a tree not far behind.

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