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     Arabella only had 2 days left at Castle Black and she honestly didn't know how she felt about that sad? or happy? to finally be leaving all the horny predatory men who gawk at her like she's a meal

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     Arabella only had 2 days left at Castle Black and she honestly didn't know how she felt about that sad? or happy? to finally be leaving all the horny predatory men who gawk at her like she's a meal.

Sophia was to stay in Castle Black awaiting her ladies return , she is permitted to the library and no where else so she only dreamed that Arabella didn't have a long travel as she would quiet literally die of complete and utter boredom.

Arabella spent most of her time in the library anyways reading up on her family history and about the Targaryens and how they are distant relatives something she enjoyed a lot, she loved reading infact it was one of her favourtie things to do , she loved reading to Shireen and her other siblings when she visits her mother.

She had 5 other siblings from her mother not including Logan and Jorah , there is Clara , Iryene, Charlotte , Charlie and Leonardo.

'I suppose your excited to see your other siblings' Logan said as Arabella looked through her options of clothing.

'They're also your siblings Logan you know that'

Logan laughed 'your the only one that has ever shown love to me Arabella, meaning your my own sibling not Jorah Mormont and all the Carters children she has , you because your the only one I will ever love' Arabella places her hand on her heart grinning widely at her brother 'I mean your father was right Natalia Sanders is a whore'

Arabella laughed gently not denying the fact that Logan had just smeared across the table.

'Oh brother I am truly touched by your words' She teased , he pushed her shoulder lightly and she giggled that infectious laugh of hers.

'I'll miss you , I hope your travels are safe sister but I must get to my duties.'

She nodded slowly standing up and hugging her brother tightly 'i'll see you when I return brother have a safe training' He nodded walking away to get to his duties as a man of the nights watch leaving Bella alone in her room to search for a suitable outfit to wear.


Arabella stood outside Jeor Mormonts office wishing to speak to him about him letting one of his men travel with Arabella so she can have a safe journey to her mother something she prayed she would have.

She finally grew the balls to knock upon his door him calling her in straight away 'Ah My Lady what do I owe the pleasure of this visit' She blushed lightly walking to his desk a cup of wine freshly poured for her, she kindly took it and sat in front of Jeor.

'I wish to request for one of your men, so he can help me travel and protect me from any threats on my journey , I also wish for my hand maiden to stay here I have told her to go no where but the library so she doesn't disturb your men from their training' Or because they would disturb her she thought, she held a bright smile so he wouldn't deny her request.

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