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When I arrived back to mine and Jaime's shared chambers it was quiet which surprised me, Jaime was never quiet in fact he was the complete opposite - always causing mayhem

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When I arrived back to mine and Jaime's shared chambers it was quiet which surprised me, Jaime was never quiet in fact he was the complete opposite - always causing mayhem. Jaime was sat on the chair facing the window, I cocked my brow not sure of why he seemed so upset.

I closed the door alerting his attention towards me, he rose from his chair pouring a goblet of him for myself, he handed it over running a hand over his brow "There's something we must discuss."

U gulped taking the edge of the goblet to my lips "As you wish."

"I find it best, if you return to Dragonstone after our travels. Our love is no longer required or even existent." He sighed "I still do love you, in ways that i can't explain, when we lost our child..."

"Don't speak of his name." I warned the guilt and events of those nights crushing me.

"That's when it started, the hatred and..."

"That's when you started fucking your sister." I simply stated.


"Don't Jaime, don't try to defile me, i won't hear it, non of it. Who you fuck in your spare time is non of my concern, if you wish to be separated so badly then be done with it."

"I'll have a carriage sent for you to head to Dragonstone, a boat will be waiting among your arrival."


The morning came quick, Jaime left the room after our final discussion, no one was to know of my sudden departure from my husband.

It was a long awaited day that I never expected to happen, we fell on a plan that instead of heading straight home, I would visit the Nights Watch to visit my brother.

It was a secured plan we had in place, one that wouldn't cause too much chatter among the kingdoms, because if anything they would all blame me for my husband leaving, a adulterous whore would possibly be the most common phrase i would get called.

"Niece." Tyrion announced sliding into the chair alongside me watching the men train in the snow, he took a hold of my hand "I heard of the news."

"Jaime couldn't keep quiet, huh?"

"It was more my fault, i stumbled upon him and my sister late in the halls, talking of it. I can only send you my wishes dear niece."

"Thank you my dear uncle."


'If it wasn't Jon Snow'

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