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  It was a fine dinner quieter than usual but i suppose that is because Robert is out hunting with Ned and he is the one that seems to make the most commotion.

I sat among the Starks instead of Lannister for a change thinking I should really bond with them some more as I wouldn't be here for much longer.

'So Bella' Robb spoke smirking slightly , I blushed at thought of him talking to me considering it was only moments ago he saw my breasts ' Have you properly enjoyed your stay at Winterfell?'

I gulped my wine sighing ' it's been amazing , I can't thank your family enough for my stay you have all truly made it unforgetable' I looked among the siblings soon realising Jon was sat there I smiled at him folding a piece of hair behind my ear shyly, I have never felt awkward in front of a boy before never, but somehow Jon made me feel uncomfortable in a good way of course.

'So where do you travel after here back westeros?' Catelyn asked

'No actually I am headed .. Castle Black, to visit my brother'

'My lady I have heard castle black is no place for a woman of such high class as yourself.' Jon spoke, Catelyn glared at him but I just smiled ' I'm headed there myself plan on asking father when he returns, to ask for approval of my departure'

'That would be great' Arya grinned 'Jon can protect you Bella!'

Catelyn lightly smacked her daughters hand and I just smiled ' He can my little lady'


'Why would you want to visit that fowl place?' Sansa snarked as I brushed through her hair.

'I haven't seen my brother in years' I smiled at the thought of him 'I missed him dearly'

' Can I please ask you something Arabella?' I placed her brush down sitting next to her on her bed ' What does being in love feel like?'

I closed my eyes not fully knowing how to describe a strong feeling to such a young child , but when i was her age i was vowing my life to a scum ' At first it hurts because you don't know if that other person feels the same, you would almost die just to have one conversation with them. It feels amazing when you finally see there face after such a long day' I smiled holding the young girls hand ' your to young to know love yet my lady'

' I want to love Joffrey , I wish to be his queen , but what if he never loves me the way I love him' I knew the moment she said those words that when Joffrey was kind and they were to wed he would never love her he would cause disruption for her and the kingdoms , the day Joffrey Baratheon becomes king is the day all hell breaks loose.

Winters Fire  - Jon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now