Let It Go [30]

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A/N: this is a fluffy/funny chapter :)

Third Person POV:

The Avengers, Wade, Harley, and Peter all sat in the living room boredly. "We should play some music," Clint suggested out of no where.

Natasha suddenly stood up, walking across the room. "Friday, connect my phone to the speaker," She ordered, gesturing to the speaker below the TV. 

"Connecting Natasha's iPhone to the Samsung Speaker," The robotic voice replied.

Natasha scrolled through her apps, opening Pandora. Immediately, she tapped on Disney radio, not caring whether the boys liked Disney music or not.

The intro to Frozen's "Let It Go" began playing, causing Peter to gasp. The teen stood up, then jumped onto the couch, using it as a stage. "thIS IS MY SONG!" He exclaimed, since he could now talk to everyone in the room.

When the lyrics began, it was a real show. "The sNow gLows wHite oN tHe mOuNtaINS TOnighT, nOt a foOTprinT to bE seEn," The boy began to sing, his words filled with voice cracks. He then leaped off of the couch, running towards his cat Kimba, who was purring on Bucky's lap. "A kiNgdOm oF isOlatiOn," He continued to sing, picking up the tiara Harley had placed on the kitten earlier. "aNd iT loOks like iM tHe queeN!" As he said the last line, he placed the tiara on his head.

Suddenly Sam stood up from the other side of the room. "The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside!" He sang in a deep opera voice, gaining a cheer from Banner and Steve. Harley began to giggle.

"Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried," Natasha continued the singing in a monotone voice, but her lip was curled into a smirk. It made Peter bust out laughing.

Clint was now standing on the kitchen counter. "Don't let them in, don't let them see!" He sang dramatically, then jumped off the counter and gracefully ballerina leaping towards Peter. "Be the good girl you always have to be!" He bellowed, cupping Peter's cheeks as he sang the line. Wade wheezed since Peter still had the tiara on his head.

"Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know!" Bucky exclaimed, lifting up Kimba into the 'Lion King' pose.

"wELL nOw tHey kNow!" Peter continued the song, jumping on Sam's back into a piggy back ride.

"Let it go! Let it go!" Tony said in the most seriously elegant voice possible. "Don't hold it back anymore!" The way the normally collected hero sang caused Harley to laugh so hard he cried. The kid was on the floor gasping for air with his face beat red.

"Let it go, let it go!" Steve joined in, skipping across the room towards the doorway. "Turn way and SLAM the door!" He slammed the door shut as he said this, causing Kimba to jump out of Bucky's arms.

Banner took out his phone and began recording the scene.

Peter jumped up onto the dining table, knocking down a jenga tower they were working on earlier. "I DONT CARE WHAT THEYRE GOING TO SAY!" He practically screamed, his veins popping out in his neck as he strained his voice. 

It only made Harley laugh harder, turning so his stomach faced the ceiling as he tried to catch his breath. Kimba walked over and rubbed up against the teen.

"Let the storm rage on," Sam continued in a purposely abnormally deep voice, prancing around the living room like a little girl.

"The cold never bothered me anyway," Natasha whispered dramatically.

Friday dimmed the lights down to darkness, like a theatre stage fading away to signify the performance was over. Harley stood up and clapped and cheered, and everyone else just busted out laughing.

Banner saved the video to his phone.

Hours later, he uploaded a clip to Vine. It showed Peter standing up on the dining table, knocking over a jenga tower and screaming the line of the song. Not to mention he had a tiara on his head. The 6 second clip ended up going viral.

A/N: ik this chapter doesn't really benefit the story but i decided that y'all need some fluffy humor in your lives so here you go :)

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