| Chapter 34 : Nightmares of the Truth |

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[I can't let go of this book but at the same time I don't wanna drag it out bring attention to it if I do tho]


I woke up to complete darkness. My body felt drained and I grimaced when I moved to look around me. I inhaled sharply at the pounding headache.

Blinking a couple of times I could even make myself focus on the different things in the room and around me. I was imediantly glad to feel jongin behind me and his arms around me holding my hand in my lap but there was something unnerving about the atmosphere and my eyes darted around the room to find it as it was making me more and more uncomfortable.

My blurry vision slowly faded as everything started to appear a little more clearer i saw a shadow standing by the end of the couch where we were laying on just by our feet.

It was a woman and my eyes widened as she wasn't moving at all and just kept looking at us but I couldn't see clearly enough to make out what expression she wore I just knew she was watching me.

,, mum ?" I called but she didn't react. Tears gathered in my eyes as I stared at her while squeezing jongins arm. I felt light headed being both terrified and sad.

,, nugget ?" Jongins soft voice appeard behind me but i didnt dare look away from.. from that thing standing there. I knew it wasn't my mother but she looked like she was and it terrified me.

I started cuddling closer to jongin turning around in his hold and taking both of his hands while my eyes were fixed on her.
,, hey what's wrong ?" Jongin asked leaning his head more down and to the side to see my face.

,, s-she " I rasped out and by that she moved in a sickening way around the couch making me panic and flinch back ,, Stop !"

Jongin sat more up at that obvious shocked himself as he moved me with him forcing my head to turn and look at him but I couldn't I was too scared to look away.

,, kyungsoo?" He called irritated
,, what is it ? she ?"

,, there !" I forced his hands way as I turned around to show him where she stood but once I did she was gone.

My heart was beating faster than ever and I started taking deep breaths when I looked around nervously searching her in the room.
,, What ?" He looked around with me

Once I dared to look back at jongin my vision was suddenly all clear and she was right there behind him her eyes blood shot and red she was so pale making the blood from her ripped apart face even more outstanding.

I screamed at the tip of my lungs flinching back and falling out of jongins arms to land on the ground.
,, JONGIN !" I screamed again while she was still staring at me almost sadly as if she wanted me to know that I did something wrong, she wanted me to feel guilty.
,, JONGIN!" I screamed for him to move aswell but all he did was look around with wide eyes while having an arm stretched out before me.

I started crying as I was still crawling away not noticing anything but her not even that jongin was now long besides me giving up on trying to look around... he was trying to hold me still while he was calling me or someone else for help.

,, please leave Me alone !" I sobbed out as she took her steps around the couch again attempting to get closer.

,, you could've called for help when you heard the wolves back then .."
She said almost disappointed .

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