| Chapter 26 : Agony for Love |

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Sehun suddenly groaned holding his chest and I frowned turning to him aswell as baekhyun did.
,, what ?"

Baekhyun held his neck up right to watch the now thankfully healing wound while I questioned him.
,, i .. I don't know, I feel weird "
He stuttered obviously confused himself.

,, are you in pain ?" Baekhyun asked sitting back once he noticed the wound seemed to be doing fine.

,, no .. I just.. I feel like somethings wrong. It makes me nervous"
I eyes baekhyun as Sehun had explained himself making my frown harden.

,, you're just worried.. don't be they will get them out"

,, what if they're going to be too late ? You as I dyou couldn't reach jongin any more.. what if something happened to him or to the others " his wide eyes looked into mine obviously troubled and I didn't have the words to calm him at the moment so instead I sighed lay in my hand onto his.

,, this is none of their faith ok, as much as I come to dislike the goddess, he won't let anything happen to any of them so calm down, we are meant for deliecering that baby safely and we will do so together "
When I finished speaking Sehun had exhaled slowly and I listened to hear his heartbeat calm.

My head turned to baekhyun again feeling his eyes on me and he quickly looked away once I did making me smirk a little.
,, what ?"

,, nothing, .. it is just.. you developed quite a lot I can feel it "  he smiled rather to himself but I just looked at him irritated
,, what do you mean ?"

,, this pack," he explained ,,your pack is very special indeed ..
Some of you might just be meant for more than just the protection of this baby "
I still hadn't understood what he meant but it was obvious that he was pointing out me with some of you so I didn't want to question it further in front of Sehun. Despite how curious it made me.


My father used to tell me to think of the worst things that could happen to me. The things I fears most to happen, so that it would push me foreward and make stronger.

I was screaming for what felt like houres now, watching as they tortured jongin in front of me. He was now long unconscious not even him being able to stick through all that.

Fathers head nodded comeanding once at a few of his hunters and they suddenly turned to me at this point I was just afraid for my baby.  I couldn't think straight seeing what they did to jongin right in front of my eyes set me off and wanted me to kill everyone in this room.

I struggled more when they got to me but stopped once I released they were opening my chains.

In an instant I stumbled forward to get to jongin, my hands were hovering  over his damaged body stopping to cup his face. The sudden rage and fury disappeard brine replaced with just worry and fear.
,, jongin .. " I whispered gently wanting him to open his eyes as I moved him to lay in my lap
,, n-nini " a few years had found their way escaping my eyes and dropping onto his cheek.

,, wake up " I sobbed stroking over his cheek and listening carefully to his slow heartbeat.

It fastened when I spoke with voice and I inhaled realizing it.
,, jongin .." I leaned down to kiss his forehead staying this close to lean mine against his as I closed my eyes.
,, I'm here,.. don't worry I'm here "

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