| Chapter 25 : The Final Punishment |

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[I keep having to write chapters 2 damn times because wattpad fucks up on saving them even when I press the damn "Save" bottom😤
For now i need to copy and paste the whole thing to my notes on the phone to be save and it's
FrEAkiN ANnoYiNg!

Anyway enjoy 🤗 ]

Warning :

this is quite a harsh chapter I guess.. ( violence )


I flinched awake sitting up from leaning against jongin when the door of the cell was opened roughly, making me move back while jongin got up to have me behind him as he growled under his breath lowly.

,, move it dog " the hunter ordered pointing his gun at jongin while another huntress entered to point hers at hyunsik, who rose his hands with a glare.

,, what do you want ?" Hyunsik spoke up for the both of us.

,, nothing, trust me if it were for us you'd all be dead right now, rotting in between the other corpses of scum, and useless traitors" he spat at me making me glare back. While jongin growled again.

,, I said move it !" He got closer with the gun pointed at jongin, who quickly punched it aside clawing at him and making him try to dodge it only for jongin to push him harshly back.

He ended up falling against the wall with a groan.
,, STOP !" I yelled holding jongins arm when I spotted the hundress pulling a second gun out to point at him.

Hyunsik got up aswell when she looked at us, twisting her arm and attempting to kick her side but she stopped his foot twisting it herself and he fell back tot he floor just as another 2 hunters arrived here.

,, nice try " she fomented quite emotionless as if she were bored with us which made me frown at her.

One of the newly arrived hunters stared walking toward me, they pulled jongin out of the way, he cried out and I instantly knew that they were using silver made gloves.

Before they reached me tho jongin had fought them off again tryig to keep me back obviously with no success as they were using the right weapons to hinder him.

,, Stop!" I ended up yelling again shoving them back . It made me hiss holding my hand close that had touched the silver glove in shock.

My eyes travelled to land on jongin has had stopped aswell in the hold of the other hunters.

He groaned suddenly fighting harshly against them as they were distracted aswell before she moved toward me towering me in his arms with a heavy breath I could tell he was afraid now that he knew I was weak against silver aswell and with my father knowing it. It could only mean worse

Heartlessly they tried tearing jongin away from me, he was on the edge of shifting and I gripped tightly onto his arm being afraid myself when one arm was securely around my belly.

A shot appeard and I flinched in jongins hold my eyes widening thinking it hit jongin.

,, kyungsoo " fathers voice echoed through he cell.

Jongin moved away from me slightly 
Looking at him just as much as me.
As he continued
,, you know where this ends, follow orders or accept the consequences" his gun moved to point at jongin.

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