|.Chapter 10 : Consoling |

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[Not edited]


I flinched a little when steps past by me causing me to wake up And blink around in the darkness .

Everything was still kind of spinning but with a few seconds of time given. I managed to focus and find myself just when the door opened slowly and I watched the shadow of someone walk outside.

A frown took over my face when I effortly moved the what felt like hundreths of blankets off me, being careful when I lifted jongins arm off from around me to gently lay it back down .

I swollowed when I got to hang my feet over the edge of the couch, I could tell I would be unsteady. A few seconds was what I needed anyway, to focus again and not already fall over before I even got the change to get to my feet.

My head was still pounding slightly but it didn't stop me when I dared to move foreward and step on my feet .

Bad idea.

In a second when I was standing, everything was spinning in the dark making it harder to see and I stumbled to the side crushing into something warm .

I surpressed a gasp trying to move away when 2 arms suddenly grabbed mine to hold me in place,, kyungsoo?"

Sehuns whisper made me halt and blink to shake the dizziness off when I looked up to meet his face in the darkness ,, what are you doing ?"

,, i-I need to talk to him "
I mindlessly whispered out to him .

,,who?" At first I was confused but then I realised he couldn't have known I meant hyunsik, did he know I heard their conversation ?

,, h-hyunsik .." I sighed and spotted how his eyebrows rose so I continued explaining ,, I heard what you were talking about in the forest "

He swollowed but didn't say any more and rather lowered his hands
,, you sure you're in the condition to tho ? You can bearly walk .. jongin will kill me if he knew I let you go outside like that "

,, it's not like I'm going to spent the night there, I just want to talk to him that's all " I grumbled under my breath and it caused him to giggle lightly.

,, I can't stop you anyway.. Luna " he teased and I wanted to roll my eyes but knew better than that considering my dizziness ,, I'll get you to the door at least " he spoke as he threw a jacket around me and wrapped another scarf around my neck which was big And long enough to make me have problems looking over it .

My expression was blank, somehow I wasn't surprised he did that, he seemed more amused than statisfied by my appearance now as he slowly guided me to the door .

,, thanks.. anyway ? I gueds " I told him patting his arm as he even opened the door for me huffing to himself before he closed it after me and I found myself standing by the steps. There was a bench just by the house wall and my eyes landed on the shadow of him instandly .

,, hyunsik" I called carefully to not startle him and he turned his head to me  a little surprised .

I stumbled forewards and bearly down the stairs, he already got to his feet moving toward me before I had even reached the bench
,, what are you doing ? You should be sleeping "

,, I need to talk to you " I found myself not rejecting his offer to help and steady me ,, can we sit down ?"
I felt like a grandpa, not being able to stand for too long .. my heels were killing me and I didn't even walk or stand for more than 10 minutes .

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