| Chapter 38 : More than one |

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They all backed away from me as I came down the stairs looking around with heavy breaths ,,, SEARCH "

images, scenarios were displaying in my head after everything I've seen, not knowing where he wa snow was tearing my insides apart and I shifted when sehun and chanyeol did aswell running out through the door and sniffing the air for his scent I moved my head looking in between the trees smelling from every direction

Jongin !

I snapped my head back I chanyeol I sehun came running after him from between the trees making my heart stop when I already assumed before actually listening as i ran toward where they came from in fear, I was bearly able to breath, running around with wide eyes ready to spot him.
Jongin ! Finally sehun tackled me to the ground

Jongin we cant smell him! His scent is coming from the house hes still in the house!

I pishe him off running back to the house and once I entered baek wasnt were he was before my eyes roamed the room focusing on any moment until I saw a little shadow disappearing through the keyhole of the kitchen.

A loud growl that shock the walls escaped me as I ran toward it crashing the door down and jumping on the shadow but not being able to get a grip off it, it flew around the room laughing at me taunting me as I crashed everything on the table to the ground and even ripped the lamp from the ceiling .

,, jongin stop !" Sehun yelled in the back but I didnt I continued jumping and hitting into the air in fury breaking everything in my way like a mad hurricane until a loud voice made me freeze.

,, STOP !" I exhaled in pieces shocked when I came to a stop and shifted back being on my knees now and staring with my red glowing eyes at chnayeols dangerously flickering golden eyes.

,, what are you doing !?" Sehun looked around with a strong frown.

,, what do you mean !? I was fighting the damn shadows while you just watched !" I got up and closer to them in anger as chanyeol pushed sehun a little back to be behind him

,, there were no shadows jongin ! And kyungsoo is upstairs in the bathroom... he didnt feel so good so he puked and passed out there, baek is with him " he continued explaining and I looked down
At that.

I looked through all the rooms earlier.. he wasnt there I swear, and .. and i saw the shadows.

My head rose to lay over my forehead
,, are you ok ?" Chanyeol laid a hand onto my shoulder.

,, fine " I removed his hand walking past them but chanyeol stopped me from walking further away as he took a hold of my wrist.

,, last time you ticked out like that was when you almost killed baek...
Are. You. Ok ?"

Looking over at sehun I noticed he was still hiding a little behind chanyeol. I've obviously given them a scare with my behavior.

I relaxed regretful at that and when he fel t it he let go of my hands I sighed burying my face in my hands.
,, I'm sorry ... I dont know what happened I wont do anything ok "

,, ok... " chanyeols eyes faded back to his brown and it felt weird because it felt like I was asking for his permission which I in my position realy shouldn't...

Without wasting more time I skipped a few steps upstairs rushing toward the bathroom.

Baekhyun instandly pulled his dagger out stepping before kyungsoo cautiously holding it in front of him as if I would attack any minute.

All It Took (Kaisoo)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant