Another Epiloge

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Because I want

,, sh sh shh " I rocked the bed hushing hyunggi as she kept whimpering.

It's been around just 2 months and a half
When I had returned. For me it didnt feel like I was gone for long more like waking up from a very confusing dream but for jongin it had been 2 years in which he had believed I was dead... again.
I could only imagen how hard it must have been for him to suffer again yet stay strong for our kids..

I exhaled when she wouldn't calm down and I hesitated in taking her in my arms even as she stretched her arms out.
I was surprised after the first week of how much my little goofballs trusted me already. To be honest I did share a few tears aswell when I first got to hug them and they would return it and called me

{still not sure about this somebody help. Jongin is already dad but I'm not sure about letting them call kyungsoo daddy ... read too many kinks for that}

I knew it was because jongin had taught them who I was when I wasnt here. I saw the pictures he kept around and it warmed my heart and made me love him even more.

Eventually when she wouldn't quiet down I took her gently out of her bed to rock her back and forth in my arms as gentle as I could ,, shh .. you'll wake up dad "

She closed her eyes and balled her hands to fists with my shirt in between her fingers as I kept swinging her slowly in my arms, taking a careful glance over to taeoh to see he was at least sound asleep and when I looked over to the bed jongin seemed to be aswell.

The reason for why I hesitated and was so overwhelmed and clumsy at the beginning was that it all came crushing down too fast.. I've never really thought much of raising kids or at least I dont remember I do, after I returned.. the past seemed more like a confusing dream with pieces missing and being out of order. I forgot some stuff and couldnt relay figure other stuff out either. I didnt even remember how we met hyunsik again or what happened for me to .. disappear

The point was that I didnt know what happened, who i was, or what was going on when I woke up and then I find out I have kids and all these broken bits of memories overflowed me. I didnt even know how to properly raise or take care of anyone. I've never had to.

And my father wasnt exactly a good idol to look up to.

Yet it felt as if it was all coming natural. I love my goofballs and jongin promised we would do our best together for these 2 sometimes 3 with sehun acting like a childish baby or even 4 with baekhyun loving to slip into a baby role himself to play and coo over them when they had visited just recently.

The blankets on the bed shifted and I looked up at jongin to see him stretch his arm out with a sigh, befor eive noticed hyunggi had been back asleep finally.

But I was left helpless, I didnt want to lay her down risking she would wake up again and I liked holding her like this but jongin was moving on the bed obviously having a nightmare, or getting one.

Before I could make a decision I watched him moved up a little when suddenly taeoh started shifting in his bed aswell whimpering and sighing in his sleep. Jongin, seemingly waking up looked to his bed side and for a moment I could hear his breath cut off and his heart skip a beat when he couldnt see me.

,, jongin " I called noticing his distress

He turned his head instandly to relax when his eyes landed on mine.
,, y-you scared me .. " he sighed getting up from the bed to lazily walk over to me. Passing taeohs bed that was shaking a little with taeoh moving in it.

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