| Chapter 3 : Warming up |

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[ this is a mess, but i liked it this way so .. deal with it lol ]

After what felt like houres of running but probably was no more than 10 minutes kyungsoo had stopped shivering as much as before and when I glanced down I could see his hand having lost the gripp on my shirt while his eyes were dazed only half opened, his skin even paler and his lips purple .

It made me furrow my eyebrows and breath out in panic when I tried to go faster as a little what looked like an old abandoned cabin appeard .

I had broken down the door when it didn't open and quieckly closed it after me again even tho the lock was now broken it still kept close and I instandly looked around to spot the small bed .

There wasnt much Space because it realy was just a Tiny little Cabin.
So I set him down onto the bed when he started shivering a little again just because I moved away to get off his soaked shoes and pants. His skin was almost as white as a paper 
And I had to pause for a little when I noticed how thin his legs suddenly appeard to me .

I shrugg it off when he shock stronger whimpering as he blinked tiredly at me probably to tell me indirect that I was taking to long when his hand balled to fist befor unclenching again as if he was ready to reach out for me.

So I hurried removing my jacket and taking the soaked hoodie that was hanging off him, off..

but this sight was even worse then the one of his legs

I could in fact see his rips, too much for my liking, his arms looked thin and fragile even more when he continued to shiver like that..

H-he looked tiny .. too tiny and the baby bump stood out in contrast to how skinny the rest of his body was

The scars where still there but not as evident as they used to, still I couldn't care less about that now when I looked over his shoulders peaking out sharply from how less fat he had on him he was almost skin and bones

How did I not notice this ?

,, j-jong-gin " he whined again almost falling back if I hadn't reached out for him to make him lean against me when he closed his eyes with a shaky exhale while I put the jacket back around him .

,, don't worry I got you "


,, oh my god " I cried out whipping over my forehead that was covered in sweat at the stress and anxiety .

I had moved baekhyun to the couch and wrapped some bandages around the bleeding area around his navel.

His eyes were red and he was covered in sweat when I grabbed his hand looking at the bandage to check if the blood would soak through again like it did with the other before .

,, just hold on ok hyunsik and Sehun should be back soon hyunsik knows what to do "
He only blinked tiredly at that swallowing thickly before he grunted again sending me off the edge .

I rose my other hand to his arm once again trying to take little of his pain but he just wouldnt let me in, he wouldn't let me take it .

When I had woken up earlier to a cry and noises of things being thrown over or smashed, I thought we were attacked again so ofcorse my heart almost came to a stop when I arrived and found jongin standing before baekhyun who was shielding kyungsoo from him .

,, run " baekhyun ordered while kyungsoo only looked at him with huge fearful eyes .
,, I said run !"

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