Story/Charackter info Completed

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I forgot to publish this and due to recently appearing comments I remembered it when I was correcting chapters.

This book already has a chapter but it wasnt completed with the infos to avoid spoilers but I know it was a confusing story so maybe thusly help understand it a bit better how it all went down like it did lol.

Angels and devils/demons

- aren't born that way
- they become demon or angel
- kaisoo baby would either become a demon or an angel. Which is what the fight is all about basically.
- alios wants to either kill or take the baby because the devil (is scared it might be a successful angel from birth on and the moon goddess might repeat that.)<- that was a lie alios knew the baby could have the the light of Artemis.
And the devil was scared diana the moongoddes would get her hands on it and destroy everyone.

Artemis :
-Was inlove with lucifer the devil
-dianas sister, who betrayed her and caused lucifer to be sent to hell resulting in Artemis destroying everything and being banned to earth where she hid and fell inlove with a human man while being pregnant with Lucifer's child still
=> kyungsoo

Diana (the moongoddess):
- was jealous of Artemis since she had a man and the power of the light
- she betrayed artemis because she wanted to win over Lucifer but he didnt want her knowing her scheme.
- let kyungsoo grow to see if he had the light, wanted him to get stronger and eventually decided letting kyungsoo give birth to another child she could take it and raise it on her own with the light of kyungsoo really had the light.
- she sent out the wolfs to kill artemis on earth where she was mortal


- abused by his first mate who was an addict aswell
- ran away and only survived and kept going because he met alios, who indirectly forced him to do stuff for him basically treating him as a slave.
- knows a lot about creatures biologie and magic ( elfs grow up like that and alios did a lot of experimenting)
- eyes Greekn and ears are Spiked.


- born as a beta wolf
- his first mate was a human girl who played with men and with him in the end aswell before rejecting him .
- he's half elf but for now tries to ignore that fact because he doesn't want to face his parents maybe not being his parents .
- turned to be a true alpha once he found himself and matured over the stress they had been under
- eyes turn Green when hes in stress situations
- is able to move roots and nature plays along with him


- (human) but during the pregnancy lost  his human side completely the light in him which he got from hisother Artemis started coming out the more he heard the end of the pregnancy
- grew up as a hunter (strict and caged, (abused))
- mother was torn apart by a wolf in front of him.
- hyunsik was his only friend, protecting each other. "Like brothers."
- when hyunsik left KS father also found out about jongin
- he had been meeting jongin almost all the time at nights. 
- kyungsoo feels extremely thankful toward hyunsik for always protecting him and sacrificing himself to take the punishments.
- father stabbed him last time they saw each other
- they thought his blue eyes resembled the Omega but in reality it was the light he carried
- haswolf ears peaking out at the top of his head

- he killed his own father for the greater good
- killed alios in the end fight
- killed diana in the end fight

- has died 2 times one time returned by the ritual from baekhyun, who sacrificed krystals life for his to live again
- the other lucifer has branded his neck with a mark giving his own life to kyungsoo.

Powers :
- move the earth
- his light turns angles and demons to dust


- alpha
- became a true alpha because he asked another pack for help when kyungsoo was injured, he didnt fight them even when they attacked him because he knew he wasnt in the right since it was another territory and it would cause a war so he just asked for help
( = leader material, knows consequences and acts responsible to make decisions )

- has been a little unstable after
•kris his in his eyes brother and someone to ask for advice had turned on him
• his parents almost killed kyungsoo because they believed the baby wasnt suppose to be born.
•constand fear of losing kyungsoo after he had died before
• of losing himself after he injured baekhyun while  being under a shadows hallucination.

- tries throughout the book to make his Pack be one again.

- knew hyunsiks crush on kyungsoo that's why he stays around hyunsik at first to help him get over it and protect kaisoo but started liking him then.
- emotionally down ever since the betrayal of Kris and the discovering of krystals death and myungsoo still being out there.
- wants the pack to be a pack again
- looks up to chanyeol and jongin
- didnt like kyungsoo first just because chanyeol made fun of him
- holds great respect for kaisoo

- has been in love with KS ever since they were little .
- heartbroken and angered of kaisoo and the baby
- wants still what's best for kyungsoo
- doesn't have parents.
- becomes the leader of the hunters after the end fight
- ran away because he didnt like the ways of the hunters, was still hunting wolves but only those who crossed the line
- dislikes jongin but later finds respect for him
-stubborn and doesnt like to show emotions

- always thought would be the alpha ( his &family expectations )
- angered at jongin even becoming true alpha ( kris was in shadow)
- jealous runs away in anger one day and meets alios
-> makes a deal, sold baby and kyungsoo in exchange he becomes alpha (he has to pass information and keep eye on baby & kyungsoo)
- everything fails and he ran away

-returned in the end was ready to give his life for the baby's but it wasnt needed.
- regrets whatbhappened & misses the pack and wants to return.

Krystal and myungsoo
- they were sent by jongins parents to keep an eye on kyungsoo
- faked pregnancy of krystal
- krystal was killed by baekhyun because he needed a life to make transfer of kyungsoos soul to a clone possible.
- myungsoo turned rogue which chanyeol later on killed as he attacked them.

JG parents :
- hybrids are bad thats Why they want the baby dead.
- alios had spread these rumours in the anme of lucifer so all creatures would develop a dislike.

The moon goddess/diana again
(- more people are turning to demons.
- less angels.
- want angels to be born as angels so there will be more. Kyungsoo is an experiment.) <- what she told kyungsoo

The devil Lucifer 
- was banished to hell for something je never did
- only cares about kyungsoo because uts is son and he knows that
- fought his way up hell to become king of the underworld
- loved artemis despite her having fallen in love again he cared for her and for the light
- give shis life to let kyungsoo return back to life

Questions ? 
all open now  even toward the charackters I will answer the question on their behalf lol

Also I got some questions to what happened with kyungsoo

So he came back to life because Lucifer gave his to him by his own "ritual" leaving the hand mark on KS shoulder as a price.

Also after he "died" no one knows not even himself where he was because I'd like to keep it open since we dont actually know what happens after death or whatever let's consider him being in a state between life and death at which time seemed much shorter to him than it was to jongin in the living world.

Peace out

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